[jbossws-users] [JBossWS] - Re: JbossWS 1.2.1 and .Net 2.0 client

centecbertl do-not-reply at jboss.com
Fri Apr 27 12:20:37 EDT 2007

JBossWS is standard conforming, and per se this is not a JBossWS problem. But it means that updating to new JBossWS versions breaks a lot of client code or requires to put XMLElement on all generated DataStructures for
nillable non-complex Data fields. Thus it is a JBossWS users problem.

(i.e. autoboxing Long, Integer, Double types, Date types, BigDecimal,.....

I was lucky, since I generate all these by using androMDA, thus it was easy to add XmlElement to several hundred data structures in the correct places.

It could help other JBossWS users to document the behaviour, and make it configurable (e.g. property nillablesAreRequired).

The situation is even worse on .net side: when a .net client reads a complex data structure it does not set the ...Required fields on its own. Thus something like

  | tradeService.updateTradePriceQuote(quotationService.getQuote(isin)) 

with a complex data structure Quote, carrying quotation detail as BigDecimals does not work any longer (what it used to do with JBossWS1.0.x and JSR 181 annotations)

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