[jbossws-users] [JBossWS] - Re: String[] and jax-ws

shoeb1981 do-not-reply at jboss.com
Fri Dec 7 02:43:58 EST 2007

I've not worked much with web service. Here is my speculation only.

When you use web services, your use XML to communicate with the client. Not all the java in-build types are provided by xml schema (be a DTD or XSD). In this case,  you are returning Stringp[] array. There probably be no corresponding data type in the XSD for that. Or the tool that you have used to generate the WSDL might have translated the String[] to net.java.dev.jaxb.array.StringArray. So at client you are getting StringArray class.

If you don't want StringArray to be returned, you might need to change the WSDL to change the return type definition mentioned in the schema.

Hope that helps.

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