[jbossws-users] [JBossWS] - Re: Generate wsdl from JSR 181 POJO

monowai do-not-reply at jboss.com
Fri Feb 16 15:50:46 EST 2007

Indeed.  Still it's nice to know what's going on behind the scenes, and a good UI is not really a substitute for clear doco.  

I'm an Intellij user and with these IDE's being the memory hogs they are, running eclipse simply to maintain a few XML files is a bit of a pain; Soap's IntelliJ support is pretty basic, so I'll continue with the full UI I guess.

On the side, having just checked out the source for SOAPUI - and most of the jboss projects - it really feels like stepping back in time using ANT over Maven;  All that configuration in your IDE, it's  Like going from an automatic car to a manual.  Geeze I've lost track of how many commons-collections and jaxb jars I've got lying around for all these o/s projects.  Maven's on demand centralized repository structure is pure magic.  

Oh well.  The fun continues.

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