[jbossws-users] [JBossWS] - .Net parameter interoperabilty

jkemp101 do-not-reply at jboss.com
Mon Jul 30 11:02:03 EDT 2007

We have been trying to fix this problem for .Net clients.  The java2wsdl generated file has the parameters as a element that references a complex type.  Unfortunately the proxy classes .Net creates interprets this as a separate object that needs to be passed into the method.  .Net seems to want the element tag to wrap the type definition.  Otherwise it sticks in this extra object as the parameter.  Is there a easy way to control the way java2wsdl creates the wsdl file?  I have examples below of both formats.

java2wsdl format:


Desired .Net friendly format:


Our WebSphere servers are creating the ".Net Friendly" format but they are probably built on an earlier version of axis.

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