[jbossws-users] [JBossWS] - Soap client side MessageFactory NoSuchMethod exception

monowai do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Mar 6 22:56:52 EST 2007

I'm using Jboss 4.05 with WS 1.20ga

I have a service that appears to be deploying successfully and I can see it quite clearly from my http://localhost:8080/jbossws url.  After using wsconsume to produce the client side objects (from the WSDL created by wsprovide), I get the following when I try to run my unit test:

javax.xml.ws.WebServiceException: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: javax.xml.soap.MessageFactory.newInstance(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljavax/xml/soap/MessageFactory;
  | 	at com.sun.xml.ws.protocol.soap.client.SOAPMessageDispatcher.doSend(SOAPMessageDispatcher.java:296)
  | 	at com.sun.xml.ws.protocol.soap.client.SOAPMessageDispatcher.send(SOAPMessageDispatcher.java:153)
  | 	at com.sun.xml.ws.encoding.soap.internal.DelegateBase.send(DelegateBase.java:85)
  | 	at com.sun.xml.ws.client.EndpointIFInvocationHandler.implementSEIMethod(EndpointIFInvocationHandler.java:176)
  | 	at com.sun.xml.ws.client.EndpointIFInvocationHandler.invoke(EndpointIFInvocationHandler.java:105)
  | 	at $Proxy15.getAssetChanges(Unknown Source)
  | 	at myco.tests.TestAssetWS.testWS(TestAssetWS.java:38)

My first thoughts ran to SAAJ version compatibility beging as that appears to be where this stuff is going on.  I've tried placing the jwsdp-2.0 version ahead of jboss-saaj.jar and the other way round but the same error.

FWIW, my invocation code looks like this:

  |         AssetService service = new AssetService(new URL("http://chma_mikehpc:8080/ws?wsdl"), new QName("http://myco.com/integration/asset/theasset", "TheAssetData"));
  |         Asset port = service.getPort(Asset.class);
  |         TheAssetData result = port.getAssetChanges(99);
  |         assertNotNull (result);

The exception is being thrown during port.getAssetChanges()

I'm sure this is going to be a simple classpath issue, but, where to next!  Pointers anyone?


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