[jbossws-users] [JBossWS] - Re: Unmarshalling and binding issues

magnus.ahlander do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Mar 15 03:17:05 EDT 2007

Regarding my first question, the answer was provided to me on the java.net jaxb 2.0 and jax-ws 2.0 forum: JAX-WS does not support type substitution in cases where Java types are used at runtime that are not directly or indirectly referenced by the SEI. More details on:


In this blog entry it is said that JAX-WS 2.1 solves the issue through a new annotation @XmlSeeAlso, which is used to provide the JAXBContext with classes needed at unmarshalling.

What are the plans for incorporating JAX-WS 2.1 in JBossWS? Is there any other solution, which could be applied using JBossWS 1.2?

Regarding my other question I am still looking for a hint. How can I unmarshal a double value which is incorrectly tagged as 'xsd:float' in the SOAP reponse?


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