[jbossws-users] [JBossWS] - Re: dynamic clients for JBossWS/JAX-WS endpoints

mreis do-not-reply at jboss.com
Fri Mar 23 04:38:06 EDT 2007

After some more research I'm pretty sure that in the case of a truly dynamic client (i.e. no client-side stub generation from a remote WSDL before running the client that then invokes the WebService call) that should interact with a WebService operation, that has one or more custom complex input/output  parameters, I can only create ("manually and dynamically") and then send SOAP messages via Dispatch (even JAXB-Dispatch won't help in my case).

In the case of simple data types I could still use the "old" JAX-RPC DII client approach.

Can you (or someone else) think of other possibilities or tell me if I'm completely wrong?

Does anyone know of a Java library that can create "sample" SOAP messages (see Altova XML Spy or Eclipse WebServices Explorer or Web Service Console Eclipse Plugin or ...) given a specific WebService operation in a WSDL (I know this question may be a bit off topic, but it seems as it would be a key building block in order to go with the JAX-WS Dispatch client)?

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