[jbossws-users] [JBossWS] - wsconsume schema type reference problem

gryffin do-not-reply at jboss.com
Fri May 11 11:40:01 EDT 2007

I'm using wsconsume to build the server classes necessary for a top-down implementation of a ws. I get an error that seems to indicate it can't find the type description, but it's there.

C:\wsdev\jboss2>wsconsume -k -p com.boeing.nmt.server.ws -o gen -s src NlsSoap.wsdl
  | Invalid wsdl:operation "AssetAssociationSet": its a rpc-literal operation,  message part must refer
  | to a schema type declaration
  |         at org.jboss.com.sun.tools.ws.processor.modeler.wsdl.WSDLModeler.fail(WSDLModeler.java:2788)

Excerpt from WSDL binding:
	<binding name="NlsSoapBinding" type="y:SOAPport">
  | 		<soap:binding style="rpc" transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http"/>
  | 		<operation name="AssetAssociationSet">
  | 			<soap:operation soapAction="urn:#AssetAssociationSet" style="rpc"/>
  | ...

Excerpt from portType:

  | 	<portType name="SOAPport">
  | 		<operation name="AssetAssociationSet">
  | 			<input message="y:AssetAssociationSetSoapIn"/>
  | 			<output message="y:AssetAssociationSetSoapOut"/>
  | ...

Excerpt from message:

  | 	<message name="AssetAssociationSetSoapIn">
  | 		<part name="Selector" element="ns1:AssetSelector"/>
  | 		<part name="AssociationValues" element="ns1:AssociationValues"/>
  | 	</message>
  | 	<message name="AssetAssociationGetSoapIn">
  | 		<part name="Selector" element="ns1:AssetSelector"/>
  | 	</message>
  | ...

Excerpt from schema:

  | 			<xs:element name="AssetSelector">
  | 				<xs:complexType>
  | 					<xs:sequence>
  | 						<xs:element name="AssetId" type="xs:string"/>
  | 						<xs:element name="OwnerAppId" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
  | 					</xs:sequence>
  | 				</xs:complexType>
  | 			</xs:element>
  | 			<xs:element name="AssociationValues">
  | 				<xs:complexType>
  | 					<xs:sequence>
  | ...

Is there some mistake in the WSDL parts shown that prevent wsconsume from matching the schema type with the binding? To me, it looks good. Thanks.

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