[jbossws-users] [JBossWS] - Re: JAX-WS from Sessions Bean fails due to missing org/jboss

dkane do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Nov 22 06:31:05 EST 2007

"ejb3workshop" wrote : 
  | A search in the forums and the web makes suggestions to include the jboss-common-clients.jar in the classpath. I tried added this jar to the /server/default/lib folder as well as include it within the EAR / application.xml, of which neiter worked.

"ejb3workshop" wrote : java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/jboss/logging/Logger
  |         at javax.xml.soap.FactoryLoader.(FactoryLoader.java:47)
  |         at javax.xml.soap.SOAPFactory.newInstance(SOAPFactory.java:64)

I have the same problem, although web-service is being invoked remotely. 
Adding jboss-common-client.jar or jbossall-client.jar to JBoss classpath does not help. 
Then I tried to put this jar to lib/endorsed, next to jars required for JBossWS on Java 1.6 , and JBoss failed to start at all. 
Somehow, endorsed classes does not "see" JBoss classpath ... How to solve this problem ? 

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