[jbossws-users] [JBossWS] - Re: returning array undefined in web service

alessio.soldano@jboss.com do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Nov 28 05:51:44 EST 2007

"mckeno" wrote : The code looks messy, but I can't find the edit functionality in this forum ??!!?? so I did a re post....

Sorry, users are not allowed to edit any post on the forum.

anonymous wrote : Hi all I am having this problem, not sure whether it is related to jboss web service or the client site application:
  | I am writing a web service inside EJB container:
  |   | @Stateless
  |   | @WebService(name = "Mojo", targetNamespace = "http://myservice.com/services", serviceName = "CoolService")
  |   | @SOAPBinding(parameterStyle = SOAPBinding.ParameterStyle.WRAPPED)
  |   | public class MyWebService {
  |   | 
  |   | @WebMethod
  |   | @WebResult
  |   | public int[] getNumber(@WebParam(name = "userName") String sth) {
  |   | int[] number = new int[3];
  |   | number[0] = 7;
  |   | number[1] = 2;
  |   | number[2] = 3;
  |   | 
  |   | log.info("ARRAY METHOD CALLED " + number.length);
  |   | return number;
  |   | }
  |   | 
  |   | @WebMethod
  |   | @WebResult
  |   | public int getNum(int param) {
  |   | int result = param + 2;
  |   | return result ;
  |   | }
  |   | 
  |   | }
  | The getNum() method works fine, but the getNumber() always return undefined result(I am calling the web service using Web Sevice Connector in Flash application). So I am wondering whether I need any specific annotation for the array returning methods?

Please post here your configuration (version of JBoss & JBossWS) as long as the your wsdl. Did you try capturing the message being exchanged? does it contain the array's values?

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