[jbossws-users] [JBossWS] - [SchemaTypeCreator] JAX-RPC does not allow collection types

webjavier do-not-reply at jboss.com
Fri Nov 30 07:58:17 EST 2007

I have a serious problem when i deploy a web service in JBoss 4.0.5 
when i invoke the service i can't access to SSSSS222 beacuse in my client don't be created that class SSSSS2222....
I mapped schemas to java with jaxb2.0.5.
I'm using:
JAXB 2.0 .5

  | My schema is:
  | <xs:schema......>
  | 	<xs:element name="PPPPPP">
  | 		<xs:complexType>
  | 			<xs:all>
  | 				<xs:element ref="AAAAAAA"/>
  | 				<xs:element ref="SSSSS111"/>
  | 			</xs:all>
  | 		</xs:complexType>
  | 	</xs:element>
  | 	<xs:element name="SSSSS111">
  | 		<xs:complexType>
  | 			<xs:sequence>
  | 				<xs:element ref="SSSSS222" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  | 			</xs:sequence>
  | 		</xs:complexType>
  | 	</xs:element>
  | 	<xs:element name="SSSSS222">
  | 		<xs:complexType>
  | 			<xs:all>
  | 				<xs:element ref="DDDDDD"/>
  | 				<xs:element ref="DEDEDEDE" minOccurs="0"/>
  | 			</xs:all>
  | 		</xs:complexType>
  | 	</xs:element>
  | </xs:schema>

13:24:23,271 WARN  [SchemaTypeCreator] JAX-RPC does not allow collection types skipping: com.java.SSSSS111.SSSSS222
A part of wsdl generated is:

  | <complexType name="SSSSS111">
  | <sequence/> *****error comparing with schema
  | </complexType>
My web service is:

  | 	@WebMethod(operationName="WS1")
  | 	@WebResult(name = "Resp", 
  | 		targetNamespace = "http://www.example.com/resp")
  |     @RequestWrapper(localName = "validacionWS", 
  |         targetNamespace = "http://www.example.com/pet", 
  |         className = "com.java.ValidacionWS")
  |     @ResponseWrapper(localName = "validacionFWSResponse", 
  |         targetNamespace = "http://www.example.com/resp", 
  |         className = "com.java.Respuesta")	
  | 	public Respuesta validacionPeticion(@WebParam(name = "peticion",
  | 			targetNamespace = "http://www.example.com/pet") 
  | 			Peticion peticion)throws MyException,

Please, help me...

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