[jbossws-users] [JBossWS] - Re: how to return an empty http response instead of soapmess

RomeuFigueira do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Sep 6 06:46:11 EDT 2007

I had a similiar problem to the one you're having, but instead of a simple "http 200 ok" message I needed the actual empty SOAPMessage to be returned, like this one:

<env:Envelope xmlns:env="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
  |    <env:Header/>
  |    <env:Body>
  |       <urn:createResponse xmlns:urn="urn:integration"/>
  |    </env:Body>
  | </env:Envelope>

To make the actual message above, all I had to do was to match a void type of function return with the following WSDL mapping for it's return (in this case a void return):
<message name="IIntegrationWS_createResponse"/>

If you should eliminate the above line then a single reply will be sent with the "http 200 ok" will be sent, therefore acting as a return receipt on an async call.

Last reference to be made about this is that this works at least in the JBossWS 1.0.4

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