[jbossws-users] [JBossWS] - Performance issue with WSProvide Ant Task (Windows only)

pingus do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Apr 30 02:42:33 EDT 2008

I'm using WSProvide and WSConsume to create a Web Service client library. Using it on a Linux machine performs well. Switching to Windows it's ~ 20 times slower.

After several attempts to solve this, e.g. adjusting the memory parameters, I checked the network traffic having in mind it could by some kind of "timeout" problem while accessing resources. Using Wireshark I've seen several NetBIOS Name queries like this:

NBNS	Name query NB JBOSS-4.2.2.GA<00>
NBNS	Name query NB LOG4J.JAR;C<00>
NBNS	Name query NB MAIL.JAR;C<00>

All of them get the Answer

NBNS	Name query response, Requested name does not exist

As a first-try workaround I've deactivated NetBIOS over TCP/IP in the Network settings and it's fast as expected.

But, what is the reason for this? Why NBNS queries for JBOSS-4.2.2.GA?

Is there any better way to solve this, e.g. a Java option to deactivate NetBIOS requests?

Thanks in advance

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