[jbossws-users] [JBossWS] - Re: Enabling MTOM-Support at JBossWS client fails

lfoggy do-not-reply at jboss.com
Mon Aug 11 14:42:30 EDT 2008

I have been trying to compare my classes with the sample xop examples in jbossws package and finally I was able to find the problem.
Here are my classes:
class AttachmentType {
     protected DataHandler dh;


class AttachmentTypeHolder {
    protected List attachments;


In my endpoint class if I have the following method signature, then the xop works:

    public AttachmentType echoDataHandler(DHRequest request)

but if I change the method signature to this:

    public AttachmentHolder echoDataHandler(DHRequest request)

then the response is returned inline and not xop encoded.

Is there anything I have to do to fix this. I am using Doc/Literal Wrapped wsdl, with a WSDL-first approach.

Any help would really be appreciated.

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