[jbossws-users] [JBossWS] - How to change http to https in wsdlsoap:address on WSDL

pwelti@roshka.com.py do-not-reply at jboss.com
Sat Jan 26 11:01:52 EST 2008

This is the scenario, there is a JBoss server (S2) behind of Apache server (S1), connected through mod_jk. This Apache server it's again behind a CISCO SSL concentrator.
When I request https://www.site.com/app/ws1?wsdl the WSDL showed the next soap address location:
<service name="ServiceName">
  | <port binding="tns:ServiceNameBinding" name="ServiceNamePort">
  | <soap:address location="http://www.site.com:80/app/ws1?wsdl"/>
  | </port>
  | </service>
A change the file jboss.beans to:
<property name="webServiceHost">www.site.com</property>
  | <property name="webServiceSecurePort">443</property>
  | <property name="webServicePort">80</property>
  | <property name="alwaysModifySOAPAddress">true</property>

I need that soap address location showed in the WSDL generated be
<service name="ServiceName">
  | <port binding="tns:ServiceNameBinding" name="ServiceNamePort">
  | <soap:address location="https://www.site.com:443/app/ws1?wsdl"/>
  | </port>
  | </service>

Any idea are welcome..

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