[jbossws-users] [JBossWS] - Re: artifacts from wsconsume serializable?

dmitry.kudrenko do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Jul 10 06:14:51 EDT 2008

Hello, I think it should be supported based on bossws-native-3.0.2.GA change log. I didn't notice your post and created the similar:


Unfortunately, no answers.

Based on Feature Request:
* [JBWS-1278] - WSDL To Java, add a configuration option so all generated types can implement java.io.Serializable

Look to the jira thread for details:

Really, I don't understand how to generate serialisable artifacts by wsdl and which tool you for this. Please, let me know if you have a progress with this. Thank you for any help.

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