[jbossws-users] [JBossWS] - Jboss Juddi configuration

anil_dongre do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Mar 11 08:10:54 EDT 2008

I do not know whether this is the right place for my question.
I am new to jboss and Juddi. I tried configuring juddi on JBoss 4.2 GA. My database is MySQL.
I have similarly configured Juddi on tomcat.
I tried a small application to create an organisation using JAXR. This sample works fine with my tomcat installation but when i try it with JBoss it throws a table not found exception for the table Publisher. I guess something is wrong with my configuration of Juddi on JBoss.
Can any help me with this. Can someone tell me exactly how do i configure my datasource. Can someone also tell me how do i test my Juddi configuration like i can in tomcat with happyjuddi.
Thanks in advance


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