[jbossws-users] [JBossWS] - Re: replacement of REPLACE_WITH_ACTUAL_URL when using annota

PeterJ do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Nov 11 13:54:56 EST 2008

anonymous wrote : There are two totally different setups
  | is the dummy ip for a server that runs on a global ip address
  | is the private ip address of a server sitting behind the unspecified ip address of the firewall

This is what I though was the case based on the IP addresses themselves (I recognize the subnet 129.168.1.xxx as being the subnet typically used by routers), but your text seemed to indicate the opposite.

anonymous wrote : If the client accesses a url of
  | https://456.456.456.456:8443/myapp/mySoapService?wsdl
  | they the wsdl should list the location as <soap:address location='https://456.456.456.456:8443/myapp/mySoapService'/>

You say that it "should list" that location. What location is it giving instead?

anonymous wrote : ideally it should be HTTP 1.1 compliant, so rather than use a hard coded hostname or ${jboss.bind.address} it builds the url based on the url used for the wsdl request (which is just as simple as stripping the ?wsdl from the end)

I do not know what you are saying here. What does HTTP 1.1 compliance have to do with this? What does the text "${jboss.bind.address}" have to do with this? When you say "it builds the url based on the url used for the wsdl request (which is just as simple as stripping the ?wsdl from the end)" are you saying that the soap location you are getting in the wsdl is:

<soap:address location='https://456.456.456.456:8443/myapp/mySoapService'/>

If so, then I am really confused because you earlier said "the wsdl should list the location as...".

So once again I am not sure what it is you are seeing and what it is that you are expecting. Please understand that I am not trying to give you a hard time, I am simply trying to understand what the problem is that you are having.

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