[jbossws-users] [JBossWS] - Re: Cannot obtain fault type for elemet

erahamim do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Mar 18 05:00:33 EDT 2009

Adding more details:

My exception is:

  | package com.company.Exceptions
  | public class TriggerException extends Exception{
  | 	private String msgName;
  | 	public TriggerException() {
  | 	}
  | public String getMsgName() {
  | 		return msgName;
  | 	}
  | 	public void setMsgName(String msgName) {
  | 		this.msgName = msgName;
  | 	}
  | }

My endpoint service (ejb 2.1) 

  | package com.company.rundownEx.ejb;
  | public interface RundownEx extends Remote{
  | 	Data getData(long Id) throws TriggerException, RemoteException;
  | }


  | package com.company.rundownEx.ejb;
  | public class RundownExBean implements SessionBean {
  | 	public Data getData (long in) throws TriggerException{
  | 		try{
  | 			// do something
  | 		}
  | 		catch(Exception rte){
  | 			throw new TriggerException ();	}
  | 	}
  | }

My configuration xml for wstool:

  | <configuration>
  | 	<java-wsdl>
  | 		<service name="RundownExService" style="document" endpoint="com.company.rundownEx.ejb.RundownEx" />
  | 		<namespaces target-namespace="http://www.opentv.co.il" type-namespace="http://www.opentv.co.il/types" />
  | 		<mapping file="RundownEx-mapping.xml"/>
  | 		<webservices ejb-link="RundownExService" append="true"/>
  | 	</java-wsdl>
  | </configuration>

When I try to generate client with eclipse I'm getting the following error:

Error in generating Java from WSDL:  java.io.IOException: Element {http://www.opentv.co.il}TriggerException is referenced but not defined.
    java.io.IOException: Element {http://www.opentv.co.il}TriggerException is referenced but not defined.

Can anyone help?

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