[jbossws-users] [JBoss Web Services Users] - WebServiceContext injected field corrupted under heavy load

Sintetik7 do-not-reply at jboss.com
Mon Oct 26 09:35:44 EDT 2009


I have a webservice implemented as follows:

  | public class SSSServiceProvider implements Provider<Source> {
  | 	@Resource(type = Object.class)
  | 	protected WebServiceContext wsContext;
  | 	public Source invoke(Source req) {
  | 		MessageContext mc = wsContext.getMessageContext();
  | 		String path = ((String) mc.get(MessageContext.PATH_INFO));
  | ....

I'm using wsContext for the sole purpose to access a path, since my wsdl is just doc/literal (not wrapped).

This code worked ok at JBoss 5.0.1 (and jbossws 3.1.0), at least i didn't notice any problems with extracted "path".

Recently, we moved to JBoss 5.1.0 (jbossws 3.1.2) and problems started to appear. Under some load (~20 000 requests / day) service started to mess up injected wsContext. Some 10-100 requests per day got wrong "path", looks like it comes from the adjacent request (<~1ms incoming time).

What i did then is I upgraded jbossws to 3.2.0, released recently.

At first i didn't notice any errors. After a few days I decided to move other service (heavy loaded) to JBoss 5.1 + JBossws 3.2.0 as well.

"Heavy-loaded" service consumes some ~1 000 000 requests / day and the same error happens now 100-300 times a day.

Btw, later I found that 1st service (under ~20 000) generates the same errors as well, but at a much less rate - ~5/week.

Both services are implemented virtually identically.

Is it possible that next request corrupts injected wsContext object before I finish reading it??? It looks like this because as far as I see from logs it gets corrupted only if two messages are _really close_ (<~1ms).

The question is - how do I get path reliably?

PS. In last changelogs I see some bugfixes with resources injection, so I guess I've encountered some kind of new behaviour. 

PPS. I've reported the problem before (testing the same services) that 
might be related somehow

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