[jbpm-commits] JBoss JBPM SVN: r1966 - in jbpm3/branches/jpdl-3.2.3.CP/bpel/userguide/en: modules and 1 other directory.

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Thu Aug 21 19:01:15 EDT 2008

Author: alex.guizar at jboss.com
Date: 2008-08-21 19:01:15 -0400 (Thu, 21 Aug 2008)
New Revision: 1966

provide a human task management example: BPEL-268

Added: jbpm3/branches/jpdl-3.2.3.CP/bpel/userguide/en/images/loanEvaluation.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: jbpm3/branches/jpdl-3.2.3.CP/bpel/userguide/en/images/loanEvaluation.png
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: jbpm3/branches/jpdl-3.2.3.CP/bpel/userguide/en/images/loanMain.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: jbpm3/branches/jpdl-3.2.3.CP/bpel/userguide/en/images/loanMain.png
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Modified: jbpm3/branches/jpdl-3.2.3.CP/bpel/userguide/en/modules/loanExample.xml
--- jbpm3/branches/jpdl-3.2.3.CP/bpel/userguide/en/modules/loanExample.xml	2008-08-21 22:59:44 UTC (rev 1965)
+++ jbpm3/branches/jpdl-3.2.3.CP/bpel/userguide/en/modules/loanExample.xml	2008-08-21 23:01:15 UTC (rev 1966)
@@ -21,4 +21,156 @@
   <para>The next diagram depicts the loan process.</para>
+  <figure id="tutorial.loan.main">
+    <title>Loan process</title>
+    <mediaobject><imageobject><imagedata align="center" fileref="images/loanMain.png" 
+      width="4.02in" depth="4.41in" scalefit="0" /></imageobject></mediaobject>
+  </figure>
+  <section id="tutorial.loan.def">
+    <title>Define the BPEL process</title>
+    <section id="tutorial.loan.def.bpel">
+      <title>Create the BPEL document</title>
+      <para>The process begins with the arrival of a loan application from a customer. The 
+        requested amount is evaluated. Loans under $1000 are approved automatically. Loans
+        over that quantity are submitted to an agent for further evaluation.</para>
+      <para>The borrower may ask for the loan application status at any time. The status
+        is either <emphasis>evaluating</emphasis>, <emphasis>approved</emphasis> or
+        <emphasis>rejected</emphasis>. Once the borrower is informed the loan has been
+        approved or rejected, the process ends.</para>
+      <programlisting><![CDATA[<process name="LoanApproval"
+  targetNamespace="http://jbpm.org/examples/loan"
+  xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wsbpel/2.0/process/executable"
+  xmlns:jbpm="urn:jbpm.org:bpel-1.1" xmlns:loan="http://jbpm.org/examples/loan"
+  xmlns:task="http://jbpm.org/examples/task"
+  xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
+  <import importType="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/"
+    location="loan.wsdl" namespace="http://jbpm.org/examples/loan" />
+  <import importType="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/"
+    location="interface/loaner.wsdl" namespace="http://jbpm.org/examples/loan" />
+  <import importType="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/"
+    location="interface/task.wsdl" namespace="http://jbpm.org/examples/task" />
+  <partnerLinks>
+    <partnerLink myRole="loaner" name="borrower"
+      partnerLinkType="loan:borrower-loaner" />
+  </partnerLinks>
+  <variables>
+    <variable messageType="loan:loanRequest" name="loanRequest" />
+    <variable messageType="loan:statusResponse" name="statusResponse" />
+    <variable messageType="loan:statusRequest" name="statusRequest" />
+  </variables>
+  <correlationSets>
+    <correlationSet name="borrowerName" properties="loan:borrowerName" />
+  </correlationSets>
+  <sequence name="Main">
+    <receive createInstance="yes" name="AcceptLoanRequest"
+      operation="requestLoan" partnerLink="borrower" portType="loan:Loaner"
+      variable="loanRequest">
+      <correlations>
+        <correlation initiate="yes" set="borrowerName" />
+      </correlations>
+    </receive>
+    <if name="EvaluateAmount">
+      <condition>$loanRequest.amount &lt; 1000</condition>
+      <assign name="ApproveLoan" validate="no">
+        <copy>
+          <from>'approved'</from>
+          <to part="status" variable="statusResponse" />
+        </copy>
+      </assign>
+      <else>
+        <scope name="EscalateToAgent">
+          ...
+        </scope>
+      </else>
+    </if>
+    <receive name="AcceptStatusRequest" operation="getLoanStatus"
+      partnerLink="borrower" portType="loan:Loaner" variable="statusRequest">
+      <correlations>
+        <correlation initiate="no" set="borrowerName" />
+      </correlations>
+    </receive>
+    <reply name="SendStatus" operation="getLoanStatus"
+      partnerLink="borrower" portType="loan:Loaner" variable="statusResponse" />
+  </sequence>
+      <para>Large loans are made available to agents as follows. The task manager service
+        is contacted to create a new task. Said service returns the identifier given to
+        the task. The process sits down while awaiting a task end notification. Once the
+        message arrives, the loan veredict is extracted from the message and made available
+        to the borrower.</para>
+      <figure id="tutorial.loan.evaluation">
+        <title>Loan evaluation</title>
+        <mediaobject><imageobject><imagedata align="center" fileref="images/loanEvaluation.png" 
+          width="6.1in" depth="6in" scalefit="0" /></imageobject></mediaobject>
+      </figure>
+    </section>
+    <section id="tutorial.loan.def.wsdl">
+      <title>Create/obtain the WSDL interface documents</title>
+      <para>TODO</para>
+    </section>
+    <section id="tutorial.loan.def.deploy">
+      <title>Deploy the process definition</title>
+      <para>To deploy the process to the jBPM BPEL application, run the next ant target.</para>
+      <synopsis>ant deploy.process</synopsis>
+      <para>Launch the task manager service by changing to the <literal>task</literal> directory
+        and executing the target below.</para>
+      <synopsis>ant deploy.webservice</synopsis>
+    </section>
+  </section>
+  <section id="tutorial.loan.client">
+    <title>Build the WSEE application client</title>
+    <para>TODO</para>
+  </section>
+  <section id="tutorial.loan.test">
+    <title>Test the process</title>
+    <para>The test case <literal>LoanerTest</literal> is provided to verify the correctness of
+      the loan approval process.</para>
+    <section id="tutorial.loan.test.run">
+      <title>Test execution</title>
+      <para>To execute the JUnit test, call:</para>
+      <synopsis>ant test</synopsis>
+      <para>The listing below displays the expected test results.</para>
+      <screen>test:
+    [junit] Running org.jbpm.bpel.tutorial.loan.LoanerTest
+    [junit] Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 4.754 sec</screen>
+    </section>
+  </section>
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: jbpm3/branches/jpdl-3.2.3.CP/bpel/userguide/en/modules/tripExample.xml
--- jbpm3/branches/jpdl-3.2.3.CP/bpel/userguide/en/modules/tripExample.xml	2008-08-21 22:59:44 UTC (rev 1965)
+++ jbpm3/branches/jpdl-3.2.3.CP/bpel/userguide/en/modules/tripExample.xml	2008-08-21 23:01:15 UTC (rev 1966)
@@ -543,11 +543,11 @@
         WSDL definitions. It imports <literal>ticket.wsdl</literal> to access 
         the definitions specific to the ticket issuer.</para>
-      <para>Deploy the process definition to the jBPM database calling:</para>
+      <para>Deploy the process definition to the jBPM BPÈL application by calling:</para>
       <synopsis>ant deploy.process</synopsis>
-      <para>The <literal>deploy-process</literal> target builds the process archive
+      <para>The <literal>deploy.process</literal> target builds the process archive
         <literal>trip.zip</literal> and submits it to the deployment servlet.
         In a typical deployment the server prints these messages:</para>
@@ -564,13 +564,13 @@
       <para>Back in the description of the process, we mentioned a partner service that
         generates unique trip locators. Make sure you deploy that service before any
         reservation is placed, or the process will malfunction and your virtual travelers
-        will be very angry. Change to the <literal>ticket</literal> directory and trigger
+        will be very angry. Change to the <literal>ticket</literal> directory and launch
         the following target.</para>
       <synopsis>ant deploy.webservice</synopsis>
       <para>The next few lines confirm a successful deployment.</para>
       <screen>18:12:44,421 INFO  [DefaultEndpointRegistry] register: jboss.ws:context=ticket,&nextLine;
 18:12:44,437 INFO  [TomcatDeployer] deploy, ctxPath=/ticket, warUrl=...
@@ -579,13 +579,13 @@
       <para>The JBossWS service endpoints page should be showing a picture similar to the
         next one. Of course, the host address and port shown may vary, depending on your
         server bind address.</para>
       <figure id="tutorial.trip.endpoints">
         <title>Endpoints page</title>
         <mediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="images/tripEndpoints.png" align="center"
           width="6.03in" depth="4.61in" scalefit="0" /></imageobject></mediaobject>
       <note><para>It is worth pointing BPEL endpoints are intermixed with Java and EJB
         endpoints in the list. For all intents and purposes, BPEL endpoints are no different.
@@ -609,7 +609,7 @@
-    <section id="tutorial.trip.client">
+  <section id="tutorial.trip.client">
     <title>Build the WSEE application client</title>

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