[jbpm-commits] JBoss JBPM SVN: r2307 - in jbpm3/trunk/modules/gwt-console: war and 2 other directories.

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Mon Sep 22 10:04:07 EDT 2008

Author: heiko.braun at jboss.com
Date: 2008-09-22 10:04:07 -0400 (Mon, 22 Sep 2008)
New Revision: 2307

Update docs on building and running the GWT app

Modified: jbpm3/trunk/modules/gwt-console/README.txt
--- jbpm3/trunk/modules/gwt-console/README.txt	2008-09-22 11:25:09 UTC (rev 2306)
+++ jbpm3/trunk/modules/gwt-console/README.txt	2008-09-22 14:04:07 UTC (rev 2307)
@@ -1,117 +1 @@
-WELCOME to the maven-googlewebtoolkit2-sample Project
-Also see GWT-Maven documentation:
-This sample project has some specific goals:
- + GWT-Maven 'Best Practice' & Usage
- + Java5+ integration on the GWT server side & Java1.4 on the GWT client side using a multi-module maven project.
- + GWT RPC structure via multi-module maven project - and inheriting a GWT module
- + The features offered by GWT-Maven (like building a WAR, running the GWTShell, mergewebxml, and GWT testing)
-This sample package contains 4 different examples to show how GWT-Maven
-should be used with your project. If you intend to use multiple modules, you will want to build 
-more than one of the examples. If you wish to set up a simpler single module (with just one pom.xml), 
-then choose the example that is closest to the function of your project (likely the war project).
-This sample uses GWT-Maven with the "automatic" GWT setup mode enabled. This means
-that you do *not* have to download and install GWT yourself, the plugin will 
-setup and extract GWT for you (when using this method). 
-(You can optionally use manual method with a local GWT install, see documentation.)
-Which project to build:
- + parent (this is the root parent module of the project)
- + rpc (this is the GWT RPC *INTERFACE* definition) Java 1.4
- + server (this is the GWT RPC *IMPLEMENTATION*, it builds a GWT module that war inherits) Java 1.5+
- + war (this is the GWT client code) Java 1.4 
- + Maven2 - http://maven.apache.org
- + Maven bin directory added to Path
-Running the parent example:
-The parent example demonstrates a multi-module Maven build with a GWT project. 
-When run it will build the rpc, server, and war sub projects. 
-1. Use a command prompt to navigate into the maven-googlewebtoolkit2-sample directory.
-2. Execute "mvn clean install".
-3. Sub projects will have artifacts (see details for each below)
-Running the WAR example:
-The WAR project builds a Web-Application-Archive file for a GWT project. 
-This war can then be deployed to a servlet container, and or you can run this
-project in the GWTShell using GWT-Maven.
-This project demonstrates not only the usefulness of GWT-Maven in terms of 
-building WAR files, and running the shell, but also the "merge web xml" aspect. 
-Notice that this project has a local web.xml source file, that is used to create
-a deployment time file that includes a standard servlet entry, as well as a GWT-RPC entry.
-(GWT-Maven allows you to use the embedded Tomcat server with source web.xml and other
-files [context.xml, if you use Tomcat outside of the shell], and it configures the
-embedded Tomcat for you.)
-This project also includes a testing sample using the GWT-Maven testGwt goal, and 
-includes EMMA based code coverage and reports for GWTTestCase based tests. 
-Code coverage with GWT is a bit tricky, but using the coverage patch JAR (as this project does)
-and generating ONLY a report (not instrumentation data itself, which GWT does for you when patched)
-along with AntRun to move things around, creates an automated build with testing and reports. 
-(If you want to see the testing stuff, uncomment the "testGwt" goal in the POM, it is commented
-out by default to keep things faster and simpler.)
-(Note* - when running tests the Surefire plugin is NOT used for GwtTestCase based tests, rather
-a special testGwt goal is included with GWT-Maven for GwtTestCase based tests, thus TWO test phases
-will happen during "mvn test", one for Surefire standard tests, and one for testGwt GWT tests.)
-1. Build the server sub-project, using the instructions in "Running the parent example" above.
-2. Use a command prompt to navigate into the maven-googlewebtoolkit2-sample/war directory.
-3. Execute "mvn package".
-4. Your sample war will be created in the war/target directory.
-   OR you can run the GWTShell locally by executing "mvn gwt:gwt".
-  Optionally: Execute "mvn test site" (with testGwt goal enabled) to run test and get coverage. 
-(See "target/site" directory for output.)
-Running the RPC example
-The RPC example is meant to show defining GWT-RPC interfaces.
-This project creates a JAR archive that includes source, so that it can be used by other
-GWT projects (the WAR example here uses it). This project does not need GWT-Maven 
-(no shell to run, no GWT compiler, etc) - but does require GWT dependencies.
-1. Use a command prompt to navigate into the maven-googlewebtoolkit2-sample/rpc directory.
-2. Execute "mvn install".
-3. Your JAR library, with source included, will be in the rpc/target directory.
-Running the SERVER sample
-The Server example demonstrates implementing GWT-RPC interfaces (the one from the RPC example),
-creating a GWT library module (that other projects can inherit), and including a standard 
-HttpServlet example in the same project. This project creates
-a JAR archive that is built for the server side of a GWT project. This JAR can then
-be inherited using GWT inheritance to expose a GWT-RPC endpoint. 
-(This demonstrates that it can make sense to break up your GWT projects into client and server portions, 
-sometimes that helps with re-use [more than one client can import and use the RPC] and with team divisions.)
-1. Use a command prompt to navigate into the maven-googlewebtoolkit2-sample/server directory.
-2. Execute "mvn install".
-3. Your JAR library, with source included, will be in the server/target directory.
-More help:
-Docs: http://gwt-maven.googlecode.com/svn/docs/maven-googlewebtoolkit2-plugin/index.html
-Also refer to the the gwt-maven message board: http://groups.google.com/group/gwt-maven
+Please see ./war/README.txt for instructions on building and testing the GWT console

Added: jbpm3/trunk/modules/gwt-console/war/README.txt
--- jbpm3/trunk/modules/gwt-console/war/README.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ jbpm3/trunk/modules/gwt-console/war/README.txt	2008-09-22 14:04:07 UTC (rev 2307)
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Running in hosted mode:
+mvn compile gwt:gwt
+When the hosted browser is started, simple hit the 'refresh' button to recompile
+and verfiy changes.
+NOTE: Really quick turnaround through "mvn -o clean compile gwt:gwt"
+Running in web mode:
+mvn package 
+mvn deploy (TODO)
+Produces a war file in target/gwt-console-war-<version>.war,
+which can be deployed to a running jboss instance.
+Please post any questions to the jbpm developer forum.
+Have fun.

Property changes on: jbpm3/trunk/modules/gwt-console/war/README.txt
Name: svn:keywords
   + Id Revision
Name: svn:eol-style
   + LF

Modified: jbpm3/trunk/modules/gwt-console/war/pom.xml
--- jbpm3/trunk/modules/gwt-console/war/pom.xml	2008-09-22 11:25:09 UTC (rev 2306)
+++ jbpm3/trunk/modules/gwt-console/war/pom.xml	2008-09-22 14:04:07 UTC (rev 2307)
@@ -62,20 +62,28 @@
-               <compileTargets>
-                  <value>org.jboss.bpm.console.Application</value>
-               </compileTargets>
+               <compileTargets><value>org.jboss.bpm.console.Application</value></compileTargets>
-               <extraJvmArgs>-Xmx512m</extraJvmArgs>
-               <!--  this parameter is VERY important with automatic mode - has to match the version in your declared deps -->
-               <!--  if this is set incorrect, or left out and default does not match (default is 1.5.2 for 2.0-beta23) you will have mysterious errors -->
+               <extraJvmArgs>-Xmx256M -Xms256M</extraJvmArgs>
+               <!--  this parameter is VERY important with automatic mode -
+                     has to match the version in your declared deps
+                     if this is set incorrect, or left out and default does not match
+                     (default is 1.5.2 for 2.0-beta23) you will have mysterious errors
+               -->
+                  <id>compile</id>
+                  <phase>process-classes</phase>
+                     <goal>compile</goal>
+                  </goals>
+               </execution>
+               <execution>
+                  <goals>
@@ -89,7 +97,7 @@
                (this is a replacement for the old "automatic" mode - useful if you
                don't have GWT installed already, or you just want a maven way to
                handle gwt deps)
-            -->
+            -->        
@@ -105,17 +113,21 @@
-                           <version>${gwt.version}</version>
+                           <version>${gwtVersion}</version>
-                           <outputDirectory>${settings.localRepository}/com/google/gwt/gwt-dev/${gwt.version}</outputDirectory>
+                           <outputDirectory>${settings.localRepository}/com/google/gwt/gwt-dev/${gwtVersion}</outputDirectory>
+         <!--
+               If you want to use the target/web.xml file mergewebxml produces,
+               tell the war plugin to use it
+            -->         
@@ -123,6 +135,14 @@
+         <plugin>
+            <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
+            <artifactId>maven-compiler-plugin</artifactId>
+            <configuration>
+               <source>1.5</source>
+               <target>1.5</target>
+            </configuration>
+         </plugin>

Added: jbpm3/trunk/modules/gwt-console/war/src/main/resources/org/jboss/bpm/console/public/images/icons/49.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: jbpm3/trunk/modules/gwt-console/war/src/main/resources/org/jboss/bpm/console/public/images/icons/49.png
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Modified: jbpm3/trunk/modules/gwt-console/war/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml
--- jbpm3/trunk/modules/gwt-console/war/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml	2008-09-22 11:25:09 UTC (rev 2306)
+++ jbpm3/trunk/modules/gwt-console/war/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml	2008-09-22 14:04:07 UTC (rev 2307)
@@ -1,9 +1,19 @@
  "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN"
  "http://java.sun.com/dtd/web-app_2_3.dtd" >
-  <welcome-file-list>
-    <welcome-file>index.html</welcome-file>
-  </welcome-file-list>
+	<display-name>Archetype Created Web Application</display-name>
+	<servlet>
+		<servlet-name>HttpServlet</servlet-name>
+		<servlet-class>com.totsp.mavenplugin.gwt.sample.server.HttpServlet</servlet-class>
+	</servlet>
+	<servlet-mapping>
+		<servlet-name>HttpServlet</servlet-name>
+		<url-pattern>/HttpServlet</url-pattern>
+	</servlet-mapping>
+	<welcome-file-list>
+		<welcome-file>index.html</welcome-file>
+	</welcome-file-list>
\ No newline at end of file

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