[jbpm-commits] JBoss JBPM SVN: r6156 - in jbpm4/trunk/modules/test-db/src/test/java/org/jbpm/bpmn/test: subprocess and 1 other directory.

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Tue Feb 2 12:32:59 EST 2010

Author: jbarrez
Date: 2010-02-02 12:32:58 -0500 (Tue, 02 Feb 2010)
New Revision: 6156

JBPM-2740: work on embedded subprocess

Added: jbpm4/trunk/modules/test-db/src/test/java/org/jbpm/bpmn/test/subprocess/SubProcessTest.java
--- jbpm4/trunk/modules/test-db/src/test/java/org/jbpm/bpmn/test/subprocess/SubProcessTest.java	                        (rev 0)
+++ jbpm4/trunk/modules/test-db/src/test/java/org/jbpm/bpmn/test/subprocess/SubProcessTest.java	2010-02-02 17:32:58 UTC (rev 6156)
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+ * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source
+ * Copyright 2005, JBoss Inc., and individual contributors as indicated
+ * by the @authors tag. See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a
+ * full listing of individual contributors.
+ *
+ * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free
+ * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+ * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org.
+ */
+package org.jbpm.bpmn.test.subprocess;
+import java.util.List;
+import org.jbpm.api.ProcessInstance;
+import org.jbpm.api.TaskQuery;
+import org.jbpm.api.task.Task;
+import org.jbpm.test.JbpmTestCase;
+import org.jbpm.test.assertion.CollectionAssertions;
+ * @author Joram Barrez
+ */
+public class SubProcessTest extends JbpmTestCase {
+  private static final String SIMPLE_SUBPROCESS = 
+    "<definitions>" +
+    "  <process id='simpleSubProcess'>" +
+    "    <startEvent id='theStart' />" +
+    "    <sequenceFlow id='flow1' sourceRef='theStart' targetRef='mySubProcess' />" +
+    "    <subProcess id='mySubProcess'>" +
+    "      <startEvent id='subProcessStart' />" +
+    "      <sequenceFlow id='subFlow1' sourceRef='subProcessStart' targetRef='subTask' />" +
+    "      <userTask id='subTask' name='importantTask' />" +
+    "      <sequenceFlow id='subFlow2' sourceRef='subTask' targetRef='subEnd' />" +
+    "      <endEvent id='subEnd' />" +
+    "    </subProcess>" +
+    "    <sequenceFlow id='flow2' sourceRef='mySubProcess' targetRef='theEnd' />" +
+    "    <endEvent id='theEnd' />" +
+    "  </process>" +
+    "</definitions>";
+  private static final String SIMPLE_PARALLEL_SUBPROCESS = 
+    "<definitions>" +
+    "  <process id='simpleParallelSubProcess'>" +
+    "    <startEvent id='theStart' />" +
+    "    <sequenceFlow id='flow1' sourceRef='theStart' targetRef='mySubProcess' />" +
+    "    <subProcess id='mySubProcess'>" +
+    "      <startEvent id='subProcessStart1' />" +
+    "      <sequenceFlow id='subFlow1' sourceRef='subProcessStart1' targetRef='subTask1' />" +
+    "      <userTask id='subTask1' name='importantTask1' />" +
+    "      <sequenceFlow id='subFlow2' sourceRef='subTask1' targetRef='subEnd1' />" +
+    "      <endEvent id='subEnd1' />" +
+    "      <startEvent id='subProcessStart2' />" +
+    "      <sequenceFlow id='subFlow3' sourceRef='subProcessStart2' targetRef='subTask2' />" +
+    "      <userTask id='subTask2' name='importantTask2' />" +
+    "      <sequenceFlow id='subFlow4' sourceRef='subTask2' targetRef='subEnd2' />" +
+    "      <endEvent id='subEnd2' />" +
+    "    </subProcess>" +
+    "    <sequenceFlow id='flow2' sourceRef='mySubProcess' targetRef='theEnd' />" +
+    "    <endEvent id='theEnd' />" +
+    "  </process>" +
+    "</definitions>";
+  private static final String TWO_PARALLEL_SUBPROCESSES = 
+    "<definitions>" +
+    "  <process id='twoParallelSubProcesses'>" +
+    "    <startEvent id='theStart' />" +
+    "    <sequenceFlow id='flow1' sourceRef='theStart' targetRef='subProcess1' />" +
+    "    <sequenceFlow id='flow2' sourceRef='theStart' targetRef='subProcess2' />" +
+    "    <subProcess id='subProcess1'>" +
+    "      <startEvent id='subProcessStart1' />" +
+    "      <sequenceFlow id='subFlow1' sourceRef='subProcessStart1' targetRef='subTask1' />" +
+    "      <userTask id='subTask1' name='importantTask' />" +
+    "      <sequenceFlow id='subFlow2' sourceRef='subTask1' targetRef='subEnd1' />" +
+    "      <endEvent id='subEnd1' />" +
+    "    </subProcess>" +
+    "    <subProcess id='subProcess2'>" +
+    "      <startEvent id='subProcessStart2' />" +
+    "      <sequenceFlow id='subFlow3' sourceRef='subProcessStart2' targetRef='subTask2' />" +
+    "      <userTask id='subTask2' name='evenMoreImportantTask' />" +
+    "      <sequenceFlow id='subFlow4' sourceRef='subTask2' targetRef='subEnd2' />" +
+    "      <endEvent id='subEnd2' />" +
+    "      <startEvent id='subProcessStart3' />" +
+    "      <sequenceFlow id='subFlow5' sourceRef='subProcessStart3' targetRef='subTask3' />" +
+    "      <userTask id='subTask3' name='possiblyTheMostImportantTask' />" +
+    "      <sequenceFlow id='subFlow6' sourceRef='subTask3' targetRef='subEnd3' />" +
+    "      <endEvent id='subEnd3' />" +
+    "    </subProcess>" +
+    "    <sequenceFlow id='flow3' sourceRef='subProcess1' targetRef='taskAfterSubProcess1' />" +
+    "    <userTask id='taskAfterSubProcess1' name='taskAfterSubProcess1' />" +
+    "    <sequenceFlow id='flow5' sourceRef='taskAfterSubProcess1' targetRef='theEnd' />" +
+    "    <sequenceFlow id='flow4' sourceRef='subProcess2' targetRef='taskAfterSubProcess2' />" +
+    "    <userTask id='taskAfterSubProcess2' name='taskAfterSubProcess2' />" +
+    "    <sequenceFlow id='flow5' sourceRef='taskAfterSubProcess2' targetRef='theEnd' />" +
+    "    <endEvent id='theEnd' />" +
+    "  </process>" +
+    "</definitions>";
+  private static final String NESTED_SUBPROCESS = 
+    "<definitions>" +
+    "  <process id='nestedSubProcess'>" +
+    "    <startEvent id='theStart' />" +
+    "    <sequenceFlow id='flow1' sourceRef='theStart' targetRef='mySubProcess' />" +
+    "    <subProcess id='mySubProcess'>" +
+    // First path of subprocess is just a sequential start-task-end
+    "      <startEvent id='subProcessStart1' />" +
+    "      <sequenceFlow id='subFlow1' sourceRef='subProcessStart1' targetRef='subTask1' />" +
+    "      <userTask id='subTask1' name='task1' />" +
+    "      <sequenceFlow id='subFlow2' sourceRef='subTask1' targetRef='subEnd1' />" +
+    "      <endEvent id='subEnd1' />" +
+    // Second path has a nested subprocess
+    "        <startEvent id='subProcessStart2' />" +
+    "        <sequenceFlow id='subFlow3' sourceRef='subProcessStart2' targetRef='nestedSubProcess' />" +
+    "      <subProcess id='nestedSubProcess'>" +
+    "        <userTask id='subTask3' name='task2' />" +
+    "        <sequenceFlow id='subFlow4' sourceRef='subTask3' targetRef='subTask4' />" +
+    "        <userTask id='subTask4' name='task3' />" +
+    "        <sequenceFlow id='subFlow5' sourceRef='subTask4' targetRef='nestedEnd' />" +
+    "        <endEvent id='nestedEnd' />" +
+    "      </subProcess>" +
+    "      <sequenceFlow id='subFlow6' sourceRef='nestedSubProcess' targetRef='subEnd2' />" +
+    "      <endEvent id='subEnd2' />" +
+    "    </subProcess>" +
+    "    <sequenceFlow id='flow3' sourceRef='mySubProcess' targetRef='theEnd' />" +
+    "    <endEvent id='theEnd' />" +
+    "  </process>" +
+    "</definitions>";
+  /**
+   * Tests a simple sub process with sequentially one start, a user task and an end.
+   */
+  public void testSimpleSubProcess() {
+    deployBpmn2XmlString(SIMPLE_SUBPROCESS);
+    ProcessInstance processInstance = executionService.startProcessInstanceByKey("simpleSubProcess");
+    Task task = taskService.createTaskQuery().uniqueResult();
+    assertEquals("importantTask", task.getName());
+    taskService.completeTask(task.getId());
+    assertProcessInstanceEnded(processInstance);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Tests a simple sub process that has 2 parallel paths which are sequential on itself.
+   */
+  public void testSimpleParallelSubProcess() {
+    deployBpmn2XmlString(SIMPLE_PARALLEL_SUBPROCESS);
+    ProcessInstance processInstance = executionService.startProcessInstanceByKey("simpleParallelSubProcess");
+    TaskQuery query = taskService.createTaskQuery().processInstanceId(processInstance.getId()).orderAsc(TaskQuery.PROPERTY_NAME);
+    List<Task> tasks = query.list();
+    assertEquals(2, tasks.size());
+    assertEquals("importantTask1", tasks.get(0).getName());
+    assertEquals("importantTask2", tasks.get(1).getName());
+    // After task completion, the subprocess should still be active
+    taskService.completeTask(tasks.get(0).getId());
+    processInstance = executionService.findProcessInstanceById(processInstance.getId());
+    CollectionAssertions.assertContainsSameElements(processInstance.findActiveActivityNames(), "subTask2");
+    taskService.completeTask(tasks.get(1).getId());
+    assertProcessInstanceEnded(processInstance);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Tests a process that splits after process start in two separate sub-processes
+   */
+  public void testTwoParallelSubProcesses() {
+    deployBpmn2XmlString(TWO_PARALLEL_SUBPROCESSES);
+    ProcessInstance pi = executionService.startProcessInstanceByKey("twoParallelSubProcesses");
+    TaskQuery query = taskService.createTaskQuery().processInstanceId(pi.getId()).orderAsc(TaskQuery.PROPERTY_NAME);
+    List<Task> tasks = query.list();
+    assertEquals(3, tasks.size());
+    assertEquals("evenMoreImportantTask", tasks.get(0).getName());
+    assertEquals("importantTask", tasks.get(1).getName());
+    assertEquals("possiblyTheMostImportantTask", tasks.get(2).getName());
+    // complete evenMoreImportantTask
+    taskService.completeTask(tasks.get(0).getId()); 
+    pi = executionService.findProcessInstanceById(pi.getId());
+    CollectionAssertions.assertContainsSameElements(pi.findActiveActivityNames(), "subTask1", "subTask3");
+    // complete possiblyTheMostImportantTask
+    taskService.completeTask(tasks.get(2).getId());
+    pi = executionService.findProcessInstanceById(pi.getId());
+    CollectionAssertions.assertContainsSameElements(pi.findActiveActivityNames(), "subTask1", "taskAfterSubProcess2");
+    // complete importantTask
+    taskService.completeTask(tasks.get(1).getId()); // complete importantTask
+    pi = executionService.findProcessInstanceById(pi.getId());
+    CollectionAssertions.assertContainsSameElements(pi.findActiveActivityNames(), "taskAfterSubProcess1", "taskAfterSubProcess2");
+    // Complete 2 tasks after subprocesses
+    tasks = query.list();
+    assertEquals(2, tasks.size());
+    taskService.completeTask(tasks.get(0).getId());
+    assertProcessInstanceActive(pi);
+    taskService.completeTask(tasks.get(1).getId());
+    assertProcessInstanceEnded(pi);
+  }
+  public void testNestedSubProcess() {
+    deployBpmn2XmlString(NESTED_SUBPROCESS);
+    ProcessInstance pi = executionService.startProcessInstanceByKey("nestedSubProcess");
+    TaskQuery query = taskService.createTaskQuery().processInstanceId(pi.getId()).orderAsc(TaskQuery.PROPERTY_NAME);
+    List<Task> tasks = query.list();
+    assertEquals(2, tasks.size());
+    assertEquals("task1", tasks.get(0).getName());
+    assertEquals("task2", tasks.get(1).getName());
+    // Complete task2 -> will activate task3
+    taskService.completeTask(tasks.get(1).getId());
+    tasks = query.list();
+    assertEquals(2, tasks.size());
+    assertEquals("task1", tasks.get(0).getName());
+    assertEquals("task3", tasks.get(1).getName());
+    // Complete task3 -> will finish nested subprocess
+    taskService.completeTask(tasks.get(1).getId());
+    tasks = query.list();
+    assertEquals(1, tasks.size());
+    assertEquals("task1", tasks.get(0).getName());
+    pi = executionService.findProcessInstanceById(pi.getId());
+    CollectionAssertions.assertContainsSameElements(pi.findActiveActivityNames(), "subTask1");
+    // Complete task 1 -> complete process is finished
+    taskService.completeTask(tasks.get(0).getId());
+    assertProcessInstanceEnded(pi);
+  }

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