[jbpm-commits] JBoss JBPM SVN: r6362 - in jbpm3/branches/jbpm-3.2-soa/modules/userguide: src/main/docbook and 1 other directories.

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Wed May 19 17:56:29 EDT 2010

Author: dlesage
Date: 2010-05-19 17:56:28 -0400 (Wed, 19 May 2010)
New Revision: 6362

JBPM 2866 - Major restructure

Modified: jbpm3/branches/jbpm-3.2-soa/modules/userguide/pom.xml
--- jbpm3/branches/jbpm-3.2-soa/modules/userguide/pom.xml	2010-05-19 18:51:44 UTC (rev 6361)
+++ jbpm3/branches/jbpm-3.2-soa/modules/userguide/pom.xml	2010-05-19 21:56:28 UTC (rev 6362)
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Copied: jbpm3/branches/jbpm-3.2-soa/modules/userguide/src/main/docbook/en-US (from rev 6357, jbpm3/branches/jbpm-3.2-soa/modules/userguide/src/main/docbook/en/modules)

Added: jbpm3/branches/jbpm-3.2-soa/modules/userguide/src/main/docbook/en-US/Author_Group.xml
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+		<surname>McPants</surname>
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+			<orgname>Somewhere</orgname>
+			<orgdiv>Someone</orgdiv>
+		</affiliation>
+		<email>Dude.McPants at example.com</email>
+	</author>

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--- jbpm3/branches/jbpm-3.2-soa/modules/userguide/src/main/docbook/en-US/Book_Info.xml	                        (rev 0)
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+	<title>jBPM jPDL User Guide</title>
+	<subtitle>A guide to developing with and using jBPM 3</subtitle>
+	<productname>jBPM</productname>
+	<productnumber>3.2.8</productnumber>
+	<edition>1</edition>
+	<pubsnumber>1</pubsnumber> <!-- ignore, needed by redhat pubs system -->
+	<abstract>
+		<para>
+		This is the User Guide for jBPM 3. jBPM is a flexible Business Process Management (BPM) Suite that 
+        bridges the gap between non-technical business users and developers by offering both BPM and workflow
+        features.
+		</para>
+	</abstract>
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Added: jbpm3/branches/jbpm-3.2-soa/modules/userguide/src/main/docbook/en-US/LGPL_Appendix.xml
--- jbpm3/branches/jbpm-3.2-soa/modules/userguide/src/main/docbook/en-US/LGPL_Appendix.xml	                        (rev 0)
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+<!-- this file stolen from http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html -->
+<appendix id="lgpl">
+  <title>
+    <acronym>GNU</acronym> Lesser General Public License version 3
+  </title>
+  <para>
+    Version 3, 29 June 2007
+  </para>
+  <para>
+    Copyright &copy; 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+    <ulink url="http://fsf.org/">http://fsf.org/</ulink>
+  </para>
+  <para>
+    Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license
+    document, but changing it is not allowed.
+  </para>
+  <para>
+    This version of the <acronym>GNU</acronym> Lesser General Public License
+    incorporates the terms and conditions of version 3 of the
+    <acronym>GNU</acronym> General Public License, supplemented by the
+    additional permissions listed below.
+  </para>
+  <bridgehead id="AdditionalDefinitions" renderas="sect1">
+    0. Additional Definitions.
+  </bridgehead>
+  <para>
+    As used herein, &ldquo;this License&rdquo; refers to version 3 of the
+    <acronym>GNU</acronym> Lesser General Public License, and the
+    &ldquo;<acronym>GNU</acronym> <acronym>GPL</acronym>&rdquo; refers to
+    version 3 of the <acronym>GNU</acronym> General Public License.
+  </para>
+  <para>
+    &ldquo;The Library&rdquo; refers to a covered work governed by this License,
+    other than an Application or a Combined Work as defined below.
+  </para>
+  <para>
+    An &ldquo;Application&rdquo; is any work that makes use of an interface
+    provided by the Library, but which is not otherwise based on the Library.
+    Defining a subclass of a class defined by the Library is deemed a mode of
+    using an interface provided by the Library.
+  </para>
+  <para>
+    A &ldquo;Combined Work&rdquo; is a work produced by combining or linking an
+    Application with the Library.  The particular version of the Library with
+    which the Combined Work was made is also called the &ldquo;Linked
+    Version&rdquo;.
+  </para>
+  <para>
+    The &ldquo;Minimal Corresponding Source&rdquo; for a Combined Work means the
+    Corresponding Source for the Combined Work, excluding any source code for
+    portions of the Combined Work that, considered in isolation, are based on
+    the Application, and not on the Linked Version.
+  </para>
+  <para>
+    The &ldquo;Corresponding Application Code&rdquo; for a Combined Work means
+    the object code and/or source code for the Application, including any data
+    and utility programs needed for reproducing the Combined Work from the
+    Application, but excluding the System Libraries of the Combined Work.
+  </para>
+  <bridgehead id="ExceptionSec3" renderas="sect1">
+    1. Exception to Section 3 of the <acronym>GNU</acronym>
+    <acronym>GPL</acronym>.
+  </bridgehead>
+  <para>
+    You may convey a covered work under sections 3 and 4 of this License without
+    being bound by section 3 of the <acronym>GNU</acronym>
+    <acronym>GPL</acronym>.
+  </para>
+  <bridgehead id="ConveyingModified" renderas="sect1">
+    2. Conveying Modified Versions.
+  </bridgehead>
+  <para>
+    If you modify a copy of the Library, and, in your modifications, a facility
+    refers to a function or data to be supplied by an Application that uses the
+    facility (other than as an argument passed when the facility is invoked),
+    then you may convey a copy of the modified version:
+  </para>
+  <orderedlist numeration="loweralpha">
+    <listitem>
+      <para>
+        under this License, provided that you make a good faith effort to ensure
+        that, in the event an Application does not supply the function or data,
+        the facility still operates, and performs whatever part of its purpose
+        remains meaningful, or
+      </para>
+    </listitem>
+    <listitem>
+      <para>
+        under the <acronym>GNU</acronym> <acronym>GPL</acronym>, with none of
+        the additional permissions of this License applicable to that copy.
+      </para>
+    </listitem>
+  </orderedlist>
+  <bridgehead id="ObjectCodeIncorporating" renderas="sect1">
+    3. Object Code Incorporating Material from Library Header Files.
+  </bridgehead>
+  <para>
+    The object code form of an Application may incorporate material from a
+    header file that is part of the Library.  You may convey such object code
+    under terms of your choice, provided that, if the incorporated material is
+    not limited to numerical parameters, data structure layouts and accessors,
+    or small macros, inline functions and templates (ten or fewer lines in
+    length), you do both of the following:
+  </para>
+  <orderedlist numeration="loweralpha">
+    <listitem>
+      <para>
+        Give prominent notice with each copy of the object code that the Library
+        is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by this
+        License.
+      </para>
+    </listitem>
+    <listitem>
+      <para>
+        Accompany the object code with a copy of the <acronym>GNU</acronym>
+        <acronym>GPL</acronym> and this license document.
+      </para>
+    </listitem>
+  </orderedlist>
+  <bridgehead id="CombinedWorks" renderas="sect1">
+    4. Combined Works.
+  </bridgehead>
+  <para>
+    You may convey a Combined Work under terms of your choice that, taken
+    together, effectively do not restrict modification of the portions of the
+    Library contained in the Combined Work and reverse engineering for debugging
+    such modifications, if you also do each of the following:
+  </para>
+  <orderedlist numeration="loweralpha">
+    <listitem>
+      <para>
+        Give prominent notice with each copy of the Combined Work that the
+        Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by
+        this License.
+      </para>
+    </listitem>
+    <listitem>
+      <para>
+        Accompany the Combined Work with a copy of the <acronym>GNU</acronym>
+        <acronym>GPL</acronym> and this license document.
+      </para>
+    </listitem>
+    <listitem>
+      <para>
+        For a Combined Work that displays copyright notices during execution,
+        include the copyright notice for the Library among these notices, as
+        well as a reference directing the user to the copies of the
+        <acronym>GNU</acronym> <acronym>GPL</acronym> and this license document.
+      </para>
+    </listitem>
+    <listitem>
+      <para>
+        Do one of the following:
+      </para>
+      <orderedlist numeration="arabic" role="0">
+        <listitem>
+          <para>
+            Convey the Minimal Corresponding Source under the terms of this
+            License, and the Corresponding Application Code in a form suitable
+            for, and under terms that permit, the user to recombine or relink
+            the Application with a modified version of the Linked Version to
+            produce a modified Combined Work, in the manner specified by section
+            6 of the <acronym>GNU</acronym> <acronym>GPL</acronym> for conveying
+            Corresponding Source.
+          </para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para>
+            Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the
+            Library.  A suitable mechanism is one that (a) uses at run time a
+            copy of the Library already present on the user&rsquo;s computer
+            system, and (b) will operate properly with a modified version of the
+            Library that is interface-compatible with the Linked Version.
+          </para>
+        </listitem>
+      </orderedlist>
+    </listitem>
+    <listitem>
+      <para>
+        Provide Installation Information, but only if you would otherwise be
+        required to provide such information under section 6 of the
+        <acronym>GNU</acronym> <acronym>GPL</acronym>, and only to the extent
+        that such information is necessary to install and execute a modified
+        version of the Combined Work produced by recombining or relinking the
+        Application with a modified version of the Linked Version. (If you use
+        option 4d0, the Installation Information must accompany the Minimal
+        Corresponding Source and Corresponding Application Code. If you use
+        option 4d1, you must provide the Installation Information in the manner
+        specified by section 6 of the <acronym>GNU</acronym>
+        <acronym>GPL</acronym> for conveying Corresponding Source.)
+      </para>
+    </listitem>
+  </orderedlist>
+  <bridgehead id="CombinedLibraries" renderas="sect1">
+    5. Combined Libraries.
+  </bridgehead>
+  <para>
+    You may place library facilities that are a work based on the Library side
+    by side in a single library together with other library facilities that are
+    not Applications and are not covered by this License, and convey such a
+    combined library under terms of your choice, if you do both of the
+    following:
+  </para>
+  <orderedlist numeration="loweralpha">
+    <listitem>
+      <para>
+        Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work based on the
+        Library, uncombined with any other library facilities, conveyed under
+        the terms of this License.
+      </para>
+    </listitem>
+    <listitem>
+      <para>
+        Give prominent notice with the combined library that part of it is a
+        work based on the Library, and explaining where to find the accompanying
+        uncombined form of the same work.
+      </para>
+    </listitem>
+  </orderedlist>
+  <bridgehead id="RevisedVersions" renderas="sect1">
+    6. Revised Versions of the <acronym>GNU</acronym> Lesser General Public
+    License.
+  </bridgehead>
+  <para>
+    The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of the
+    <acronym>GNU</acronym> Lesser General Public License from time to time. Such
+    new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may
+    differ in detail to address new problems or concerns.
+  </para>
+  <para>
+    Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Library as you
+    received it specifies that a certain numbered version of the
+    <acronym>GNU</acronym> Lesser General Public License &ldquo;or any later
+    version&rdquo; applies to it, you have the option of following the terms and
+    conditions either of that published version or of any later version
+    published by the Free Software Foundation. If the Library as you received it
+    does not specify a version number of the <acronym>GNU</acronym> Lesser
+    General Public License, you may choose any version of the
+    <acronym>GNU</acronym> Lesser General Public License ever published by the
+    Free Software Foundation.
+  </para>
+  <para>
+    If the Library as you received it specifies that a proxy can decide whether
+    future versions of the <acronym>GNU</acronym> Lesser General Public License
+    shall apply, that proxy&rsquo;s public statement of acceptance of any
+    version is permanent authorization for you to choose that version for the
+    Library.
+  </para>
\ No newline at end of file

Added: jbpm3/branches/jbpm-3.2-soa/modules/userguide/src/main/docbook/en-US/Legal_Notice.xml
--- jbpm3/branches/jbpm-3.2-soa/modules/userguide/src/main/docbook/en-US/Legal_Notice.xml	                        (rev 0)
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+<legalnotice lang="en-US">
+    <para>
+	Copyright <trademark class="copyright"></trademark> &YEAR; &HOLDER;.
+    </para>
+    <para>
+    jBPM 3 is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL).
+    A copy of this license is included in the Appendix of this document.
+    <!-- A copy of this license is included in <xref linkend="lgpl" />. -->
+    </para>

Added: jbpm3/branches/jbpm-3.2-soa/modules/userguide/src/main/docbook/en-US/Preface.xml
--- jbpm3/branches/jbpm-3.2-soa/modules/userguide/src/main/docbook/en-US/Preface.xml	                        (rev 0)
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+	<title>Preface</title>
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+    	<xi:fallback xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" />
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--- jbpm3/branches/jbpm-3.2-soa/modules/userguide/src/main/docbook/en-US/Revision_History.xml	                        (rev 0)
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+	<title>Revision History</title>
+	<simpara>
+		<revhistory>
+			<revision>
+				<revnumber>0</revnumber>
+				<date>Tue May 11 2010</date>
+				<author>
+					<firstname>David</firstname>
+					<surname>Le Sage</surname>
+					<email>dlesage at redhat.com</email>
+				</author>
+				<revdescription>
+					<simplelist>
+						<member>Initial creation of book by publican</member>
+					</simplelist>
+				</revdescription>
+			</revision>
+		</revhistory>
+	</simpara>

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--- jbpm3/branches/jbpm-3.2-soa/modules/userguide/src/main/docbook/en/modules/async.xml	2010-05-18 03:14:14 UTC (rev 6357)
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--- jbpm3/branches/jbpm-3.2-soa/modules/userguide/src/main/docbook/en/modules/calendar.xml	2010-05-18 03:14:14 UTC (rev 6357)
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--- jbpm3/branches/jbpm-3.2-soa/modules/userguide/src/main/docbook/en/modules/configuration.xml	2010-05-18 03:14:14 UTC (rev 6357)
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@@ -93,39 +98,19 @@
   <string name="jbpm.mail.smtp.host" value="localhost" />
   <string name="jbpm.mail.from.address" value="jbpm at noreply" />
   <bean name="jbpm.mail.address.resolver" class="org.jbpm.identity.mail.IdentityAddressResolver" singleton="true" />
-  <!-- job execution properties -->
-  <bean name="jbpm.job.executor" class="org.jbpm.job.executor.JobExecutor" singleton="true">
-    <property name="jbpmConfiguration">
-      <ref bean="jbpmConfiguration" />
-    </property>
-    <property name="name">
-      <string value="JbpmJobExecutor" />
-    </property>
-    <property name="nbrOfThreads">
-      <int value="1" />
-    </property>
-    <property name="idleInterval">
-      <!-- 5 seconds -->
-      <int value="5000" />
-    </property>
-    <property name="maxIdleInterval">
-      <!-- 1 hour -->
-      <int value="3600000" />
-    </property>
-    <property name="maxLockTime">
-      <!-- 10 minutes -->
-      <int value="600000" />
-    </property>
-    <property name="lockMonitorInterval">
-      <!-- 1 minute -->
-      <int value="60000" />
-    </property>
+  <bean name="jbpm.job.executor" class="org.jbpm.job.executor.JobExecutor">
+    <property name="jbpmConfiguration"><ref bean="jbpmConfiguration" /></property>
+    <property name="name"><string value="JbpmJobExecutor" /></property>
+    <property name="nbrOfThreads"><int value="1" /></property>
+    <property name="retries"><int value="3" /></property>
+    <property name="idleInterval"><int value="5000" /></property>
+    <property name="maxIdleInterval"><int value="3600000" /><!-- 1 hour --></property>
+    <property name="maxLockTime"><int value="600000" /><!-- 10 minutes --></property>
+    <property name="lockMonitorInterval"><int value="60000" /><!-- 1 minute --></property>
+    <property name="lockBufferTime"><int value="5000" /><!-- 5 seconds --></property>
-  <!-- job retry count -->
-  <int name="jbpm.job.retries" value="3" />
   <para>In this configuration file you can see 3 parts:
@@ -136,10 +121,10 @@
       implementations.  The possible configuration options are covered in the chapters 
       that cover the specific service implementations.
-    <listitem><para>The second part is a series of references to configuration 
+    <listitem><para>The second part are all mappings of references to configuration 
       resources.  These resource references can be updated if you want to customize
       one of these configuration files.  Typically, you make a copy the default configuration 
-      which is in the <literal>jbpm-jpdl.jar</literal> and put it somewhere on the classpath.
+      which is in the <literal>jbpm-3.x.jar</literal> and put it somewhere on the classpath.
       Then you update the reference in this file and jbpm will use your customized version 
       of that configuration file.
@@ -200,12 +185,12 @@
   <section id="customizingfactories">
     <title>Customizing factories</title>
     <para>A common mistake when customizing factories is to mix the short and the long notation.
-    Examples of the short notation can be seen in the default configuration file and above:
+    Examples of the short notation can be seen in the default configuration file and above: E.g.
-    <programlisting>  &lt;service name='persistence'
-    factory='org.jbpm.persistence.db.DbPersistenceServiceFactory' /&gt;</programlisting>
+    <programlisting>  ...
+  &lt;service name='persistence' factory='org.jbpm.persistence.db.DbPersistenceServiceFactory' /&gt;</programlisting>
     <para>If specific properties on a service need to be specified, the short notation can't be used, but instead, 
-    the long notation has to be used like this:
+    the long notation has to be used like this: E.g.
     <programlisting>  &lt;service name="persistence"&gt;
@@ -365,6 +350,11 @@
+      <entry>retries</entry>
+      <entry>Number of times the job executor retries a failed job</entry>
+      <entry>3</entry>
+    </row>
+    <row>
       <entry>Period between checks for new jobs (milliseconds)</entry>
       <entry>5 seconds</entry>
@@ -390,18 +380,6 @@
-    <para>In addition to the job executor bean properties, you can indicate the
-      number of times a failed job is retried. Set the <literal>jbpm.job.retries</literal>
-      configuration entry to the desired value. The default is 3.</para>
-    <programlisting><![CDATA[<int name="jbpm.job.retries" value="5" />]]></programlisting>
-    <caution><para>Setting the retry count to a low value may cause <ulink
-      url="https://jira.jboss.org/browse/JBPM-2787">process instances to get stuck</ulink>,
-      whereas a high value causes jobs with unrecoverable exceptions (for instance,
-      database connectivity problems) to be unduly reattempted.</para></caution>
-    <note><para>Alternate implementations of the message and timer service,
-      such as the JCA inflow service included with JBoss ESB, also recognize
-      the <literal>jbpm.job.retries</literal> configuration entry.</para></note>
   <section id="objectfactory">
@@ -423,8 +401,11 @@
   &lt;double name="salary"&gt;100000000.32&lt;/double&gt;
   &lt;char name="java"&gt;j&lt;/char&gt;
   &lt;null name="dusttodust" /&gt;
-    <programlisting>ObjectFactory of = ObjectFactory.parseXmlFromAbove();
+ObjectFactory of = ObjectFactory.parseXmlFromAbove();
 assertEquals(TaskInstance.class, of.getNewObject("task").getClass());
 assertEquals("hello world", of.getNewObject("greeting"));
 assertEquals(new Integer(42), of.getNewObject("answer"));
@@ -434,6 +415,7 @@
 assertEquals(new Character('j'), of.getNewObject("java"));
     <para>Also you can configure lists:</para>

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 <chapter id="context">
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-        <listitem><literal>java.lang.String</literal></listitem>
-        <listitem><literal>java.lang.Boolean</literal></listitem>
-        <listitem><literal>java.lang.Character</literal></listitem>
-        <listitem><literal>java.lang.Float</literal></listitem>
-        <listitem><literal>java.lang.Double</literal></listitem>
-        <listitem><literal>java.lang.Long</literal></listitem>
-        <listitem><literal>java.lang.Byte</literal></listitem>
-        <listitem><literal>java.lang.Short</literal></listitem>
-        <listitem><literal>java.lang.Integer</literal></listitem>
-        <listitem><literal>java.util.Date</literal></listitem>
-        <listitem><literal>byte[]</literal></listitem>
-        <listitem><literal>java.io.Serializable</literal></listitem>
-        <listitem><literal>classes that are persistable with hibernate</literal></listitem>
+        <listitem><para><literal>java.lang.String</literal></para></listitem>
+        <listitem><para><literal>java.lang.Boolean</literal></para></listitem>
+        <listitem><para><literal>java.lang.Character</literal></para></listitem>
+        <listitem><para><literal>java.lang.Float</literal></para></listitem>
+        <listitem><para><literal>java.lang.Double</literal></para></listitem>
+        <listitem><para><literal>java.lang.Long</literal></para></listitem>
+        <listitem><para><literal>java.lang.Byte</literal></para></listitem>
+        <listitem><para><literal>java.lang.Short</literal></para></listitem>
+        <listitem><para><literal>java.lang.Integer</literal></para></listitem>
+        <listitem><para><literal>java.util.Date</literal></para></listitem>
+        <listitem><para><literal>byte[]</literal></para></listitem>
+        <listitem><para><literal>java.io.Serializable</literal></para></listitem>
+        <listitem><para><literal>classes that are persistable with hibernate</literal></para></listitem>
@@ -90,7 +95,7 @@
     <title>Variables scopes</title>
     <para>Each path of execution (read: token) has its own set of process variables.  
     Requesting a variable is always done on a token.  Process instances have a tree 
-    of tokens (see <link linkend="graphorientedprogramming">graph oriented programming</link>).
+    of tokens (see graph oriented programming ).
     When requesting a variable without specifying a token, the default token is the 
     root token.  
@@ -130,7 +135,7 @@
     <section id="taskinstancevariablescope">
       <title>Task instance variable scope</title>
-      <para>For more info on task instance variables, see <xref linkend="taskinstancevariables" />.
+      <para>For more info on task instance variables, see the section on Task Instance Variables.
@@ -215,19 +220,19 @@
     <para>Converters are optional.  Converters must be available to 
-    <link linkend="thejbpmclassloader">the jBPM class loader</link></para>
+    the jBPM class loader</para>
     <para>The way that user-java-objects are converted and stored in 
     variable instances is configured in the file 
     To customize this property file, put a modified version in the root of 
-    the classpath, as explained in <xref linkend="configurationfiles"/>
+    the classpath, as explained in 
     Each line of the properties file specifies 2 or 3 class-names separated by spaces : 
     the classname of the user-java-object, optionally the classname of the converter 
     and the classname of the variable instance.  When you refer your custom converters,
-    make sure they are in <link linkend="thejbpmclassloader">the jBPM class path</link>.
+    make sure they are in the jBPM class path .
     When you refer to your custom variable instances, they also have to be in
-    the <link linkend="thejbpmclassloader">the jBPM class path</link> and the hibernate 
+    the the jBPM class path  and the hibernate 
     mapping file for <literal>org/jbpm/context/exe/VariableInstance.hbm.xml</literal> 
     has to be updated to include the custom subclass of VariableInstance.

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-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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 <chapter id="thejbpmdatabase">
   <title>The jBPM Database</title>
@@ -30,7 +34,7 @@
       <title>Isolation level</title>
       <para>Whatever database that you use, make sure that the isolation level 
       of the configured JDBC connection is at least READ_COMMITTED, as explained 
-      in <xref linkend="isolationlevelofthejdbcconnection"/>.
+      in section on the Isolation Level of the JDBC Connection.
@@ -267,7 +271,7 @@
       <para>For MySQL, the datasource definition would look as follows:</para>
-      <programlisting language="xml">&lt;datasources&gt;
+      <programlisting language="XML">&lt;datasources&gt;
@@ -313,7 +317,7 @@
       using. You can get a list of supported database Dialect types from here
-      <programlisting language="xml">&lt;hibernate-configuration&gt;
+      <programlisting language="XML">&lt;hibernate-configuration&gt;
     &lt;!-- jdbc connection properties --&gt;

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 <chapter id="deployment">
@@ -41,7 +46,9 @@
       but instead build your object graph programatically.
-    <table frame="topbot" id="minimal.dependencies.table">
+    <table>
+    <title>Properties</title>
       <tgroup cols="3" rowsep="1" colsep="1">
         <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="1*"/>
         <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="2*"/>
@@ -86,7 +93,8 @@
       standalone POJO development environment.
-    <table frame="topbot" id="typical.dependencies.table">
+    <table>
+    <title>Typical Dependencies</title>
       <tgroup cols="3" rowsep="1" colsep="1">
         <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="1*"/>
         <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="2*"/>
@@ -133,7 +141,8 @@
       and hence, the script element won't be available.
-    <table frame="topbot" id="optional.dependencies.table">
+    <table>
+    <title>Optional Dependencies</title>
       <tgroup cols="3" rowsep="1" colsep="1">
         <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="1*"/>
         <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="2*"/>

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 <chapter id="developers">
   <para>This chapter describes the build structure of jbpm for developers.</para>

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 <chapter id="enterprise">
   <title>Java EE Application Server Facilities</title>
@@ -225,9 +230,12 @@
     The JTA persistence service factory has the configurable fields described below.
-    <itemizedlist>
+  <variablelist>
-      <listitem><literal>isCurrentSessionEnabled</literal>: if <literal>true</literal>, jBPM will 
+      <varlistentry>
+				<term>isCurrentSessionEnabled</term>
+      <listitem><para>if <literal>true</literal>, jBPM will 
       use the "current" Hibernate session associated with the ongoing JTA transaction. This is the
       default setting. See the Hibernate guide, section <ulink
@@ -240,9 +248,14 @@
       ensure that jBPM uses the same Hibernate session as other parts of your application. Note, 
       the Hibernate session can be injected into a stateless session bean via a persistence context,
       for example.
-      </listitem>
+      </para></listitem>
+     </varlistentry>
-      <listitem><literal>isTransactionEnabled</literal>: a <literal>true</literal> value for this
+      <varlistentry>
+				<term>isTransactionEnabled</term>
+      <listitem><para>a <literal>true</literal> value for this
       field means jBPM will begin a transaction through Hibernate's transaction API (section <ulink
       11.2. Database transaction demarcation</ulink> of the Hibernate manual shows the API) upon 
@@ -250,27 +263,43 @@
       Hibernate session upon <literal>JbpmContext.close()</literal>. This is NOT the desired 
       behaviour when jBPM is deployed as an ear, hence <literal>isTransactionEnabled</literal> is set
       to <literal>false</literal> by default.
-      </listitem>
+     </para></listitem>
+     </varlistentry>
+    </variablelist>
-    </itemizedlist>
     <para><literal>JmsMessageServiceFactory</literal> leverages the reliable communication
     infrastructure exposed through JMS interfaces to deliver asynchronous continuation messages
     to the <literal>JobListenerBean</literal>. The JMS message service factory exposes the following
     configurable fields.</para>    
-    <itemizedlist>
-      <listitem><literal>connectionFactoryJndiName</literal>: the JNDI name of the JMS connection
+    <variablelist>
+      <varlistentry>
+				<term>connectionFactoryJndiName</term>
+      <listitem><para>the JNDI name of the JMS connection
       factory. Defaults to <literal>java:comp/env/jms/JbpmConnectionFactory</literal>.
-      </listitem>
+      </para></listitem>
+     </varlistentry>
-      <listitem><literal>destinationJndiName</literal>: the JNDI name of the JMS destination where
+      <varlistentry>
+				<term>destinationJndiName</term>
+				<listitem><para>the JNDI name of the JMS destination where
       job messages are sent. Must match the destination where <literal>JobListenerBean</literal>
       receives messages. Defaults to <literal>java:comp/env/jms/JobQueue</literal>.
-      </listitem>
+      </para></listitem>
+     </varlistentry>
-      <listitem><literal>isCommitEnabled</literal>: tells whether the message service should
+      <varlistentry>
+				<term>isCommitEnabled</term>
+      <listitem><para>tells whether the message service should
       create a transacted session and either commit or rollback on close. Messages produced by the
       JMS message service are never meant to be received before the database transaction commits.
       The <ulink url="http://java.sun.com/j2ee/1.4/docs/tutorial/doc/JMS7.html#wp92011">J2EE
@@ -288,21 +317,26 @@
       transacted sessions to JTA. Conversely, setting <literal>isCommitEnabled</literal> to 
       <literal>true</literal> causes the message service to create a transacted session and commit
       or rollback according to the <literal>TxService.isRollbackOnly</literal> method.
-      </listitem>
+      </para></listitem>
+     </varlistentry>
-    </itemizedlist>
+    </variablelist>
     <para><literal>EntitySchedulerServiceFactory</literal> builds on the transactional notification
     service for timed events provided by the EJB container to schedule business process timers. The
     EJB scheduler service factory has the configurable field described below.
-    <itemizedlist>
-      <listitem><literal>timerEntityHomeJndiName</literal>: the name of the 
+    <variablelist>
+      <varlistentry>
+				<term>timerEntityHomeJndiName</term>
+				<listitem><para>the name of the 
       <literal>TimerEntityBean</literal>'s local home interface in the JNDI initial context. 
       Defaults to <literal>java:comp/env/ejb/TimerEntityBean</literal>.
-      </listitem>
-    </itemizedlist>
+     </para></listitem>
+     </varlistentry>
+    </variablelist>
@@ -541,4 +575,4 @@
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 <chapter id="gettingstarted">
   <title>Getting started</title>
@@ -10,7 +15,7 @@
     the <ulink url="http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=70542&amp;package_id=145174">jBPM jPDL 3 
     package on Sourceforge.net</ulink> and download the latest installer.
-    <para id="jbpm-installer-{version}.jar"><emphasis role="bold">The jBPM installer</emphasis> 
+    <para><emphasis role="bold">The jBPM installer</emphasis> 
     creates a runtime installation and it can also download and install the 
     eclipse designer and a jboss server.  You can use jBPM also without application server, but all of 
     these components are preconfigured to interoperate out-of-the-box to get you started with jBPM quickly.
@@ -40,4 +45,4 @@
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 <chapter id="introduction">
@@ -31,32 +36,100 @@
     <para>The suite is a download that contains all the jBPM components bundled in one easy
     download.  The download includes:
-    <itemizedlist>
-      <listitem><emphasis role="bold">config</emphasis>, configuration files for a standard java environment</listitem>
-      <listitem><emphasis role="bold">db</emphasis>, SQL scripts for DB creation and compatibility information</listitem>
-      <listitem><emphasis role="bold">designer</emphasis>, the eclipse plugin to author jPDL processes and installation scripts (this is not part of the plain jpdl download) See also <xref linkend="jpdlgraphicalprocessdesigner"/>.</listitem>
-      <listitem><emphasis role="bold">doc</emphasis>, userguide and javadocs</listitem>
-      <listitem><emphasis role="bold">examples</emphasis></listitem>
-      <listitem><emphasis role="bold">lib</emphasis>, libraries on which jbpm depends.  For more information on this see <xref linkend="thirdpartylibraries" /></listitem>
-      <listitem><emphasis role="bold">server</emphasis>, a preconfigured jboss that contains jbpm inside the console web application (this is not part of the plain jpdl download)</listitem>
-      <listitem><emphasis role="bold">src</emphasis>, the jbpm and identity component java sources</listitem>
-    </itemizedlist>
+    <variablelist>
+      <varlistentry>
+      <term><filename>config</filename></term>
+            <listitem><para>configuration files for a standard java environment</para></listitem>
+      </varlistentry>
+      <varlistentry>
+      <term><filename>db</filename></term>
+          <listitem><para>SQL scripts for DB creation and compatibility information</para></listitem>
+      </varlistentry>
+      <varlistentry>
+      <term><filename>designer</filename></term>
+        <listitem><para>the eclipse plugin to author jPDL processes and installation
+        scripts (this is not part of the plain jpdl download) See also
+        <xref linkend="jpdlgraphicalprocessdesigner"/>.</para></listitem>
+     </varlistentry>
+      <varlistentry>
+      <term><filename>doc</filename></term>
+        <listitem><para>userguide and javadocs</para></listitem>
+      </varlistentry>
+      <varlistentry>
+      <term><filename>examples</filename></term>
+      <listitem><para>These are examples.</para></listitem>
+      </varlistentry>
+      <varlistentry>
+      <term><filename>lib</filename></term>
+            <listitem><para>libraries on which jbpm depends. For more information on
+            this see <xref linkend="thirdpartylibraries" /></para></listitem>
+      </varlistentry>
+      <varlistentry>
+      <term><filename>server</filename></term>
+        <listitem><para>a preconfigured jboss that contains jbpm inside the console
+        web application (this is not part of the plain jpdl
+        download)</para></listitem>
+      </varlistentry>
+      <varlistentry>
+      <term><filename>src</filename></term>
+        <listitem><para>the jbpm and identity component java sources</para></listitem>
+     </varlistentry>
+    </variablelist>
     <para>The preconfigured JBoss application server has the following components installed :
-    <itemizedlist>
-      <listitem>The <emphasis role="bold">web console</emphasis>, packaged as a web archive. That console can be 
-      used by process participants as well as jBPM administrators.</listitem>
-      <listitem>The <emphasis role="bold">job executor</emphasis> enacts timers and asynchronous messages. There is
+    <variablelist>
+      <varlistentry><term>The web console</term>
+      <listitem><para>packaged as a web archive. That console can be 
+      used by process participants as well as jBPM administrators.</para></listitem>
+     </varlistentry>
+      <varlistentry><term>job executor</term>
+      <listitem><para>enacts timers and asynchronous messages. There is
       a servlet context listener in the console web app that launches the job executor, which  
-      spawns a thread pool for monitoring and executing timers and asynchronous messages.</listitem>
-      <listitem>The <emphasis role="bold">jBPM database</emphasis>, an in-process hypersonic database that 
-      contains the jBPM tables.</listitem>
-      <listitem>One <emphasis role="bold">example process</emphasis> is already deployed into the jBPM database.</listitem>
-      <listitem>The <emphasis role="bold">Identity component</emphasis> libraries are part of 
+      spawns a thread pool for monitoring and executing timers and asynchronous messages.</para></listitem>
+     </varlistentry>
+     <varlistentry><term>jBPM database</term>
+      <listitem><para>an in-process hypersonic database that 
+      contains the jBPM tables.</para></listitem>
+     </varlistentry>
+      <varlistentry><term>example process</term>
+      <listitem><para>is already deployed into the jBPM database.</para></listitem>
+     </varlistentry>
+      <varlistentry><term>Identity component</term>
+      <listitem><para>libraries are part of 
       the console web application.  The tables of the identity component are available in the database (those are the tables 
-      that start with JBPM_ID_)</listitem>
-    </itemizedlist>
+      that start with JBPM_ID_)</para></listitem>
+     </varlistentry>
+    </variablelist>  
   <section id="jpdlgraphicalprocessdesigner">
@@ -72,8 +145,8 @@
     jPDL graphical process designer plugin is also included in 
     <ulink url="http://www.jboss.org/tools/">JBossTools</ulink>, 
     <ulink url="http://www.redhat.com/developer_studio/">JBoss Developer Studio</ulink> and 
-    <ulink url="">the SOA Platform</ulink>. 
-    .</para>
+    the SOA Platform. 
+    </para>

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 <chapter id="jpdl">
   <title>jBPM Process Definition Language (JPDL)</title>
@@ -35,13 +41,13 @@
       <para>To deploy more process archives at once, use the nested fileset elements.
       The file attribute itself is optional.  Other attributes of the ant task are:</para>
-        <listitem><emphasis role="bold">cfg</emphasis>: cfg is optional, the default value 
+        <listitem><para>cfg: cfg is optional, the default value 
         is 'hibernate.cfg.xml'. The hibernate configuration file that contains the jdbc 
-        connection properties to the database and the mapping files.</listitem>
-        <listitem><emphasis role="bold">properties</emphasis>: properties is optional and 
-        overwrites *all* hibernate properties as found in the hibernate.cfg.xml</listitem>
-        <listitem><emphasis role="bold">createschema</emphasis>: if set to true, the jbpm 
-        database schema is created before the processes get deployed.</listitem>
+        connection properties to the database and the mapping files.</para></listitem>
+        <listitem><para>properties: properties is optional and 
+        overwrites *all* hibernate properties as found in the hibernate.cfg.xml</para></listitem>
+        <listitem><para>createschema: if set to true, the jbpm 
+        database schema is created before the processes get deployed.</para></listitem>
       <para>Process archives can also be deployed programmatically with the class 
       <literal>org.jbpm.jpdl.par.ProcessArchiveDeployer</literal> </para>
@@ -72,7 +78,7 @@
       in the process archive.  When you include your delegation classes in the process 
       archive (and they are not visible to the jbpm classloader), jBPM will also version 
       these classes inside the process definition.  More information about process classloading 
-      can be found in <xref linkend="delegation" />
+      can be found in the section on Delegation.
       <para>When a process archive gets deployed, it creates a process definition in 
@@ -96,8 +102,8 @@
           are harmless, but some other changes have implications far beyond the 
           expected and desirable.
-        <para>So please consider <link linkend="migratingprocessinstances">migrating 
-        process instances</link> to a new definition over this approach.
+        <para>So please consider migrating 
+        process instances to a new definition over this approach.
         <para>In case you would consider it, these are the points to take into 
@@ -109,7 +115,7 @@
         <para><emphasis role="bold">The second level cache</emphasis>: A process 
           definition would need to be removed from the second level cache after 
-          you've updated an existing process definition.  See also <xref linkend="secondlevelcache" />
+          you've updated an existing process definition. 
@@ -188,13 +194,13 @@
       <literal>processdefinition.xml</literal>.  3 pieces of data can be supplied when 
       specifying a delegation : </para>
-        <listitem>1) the class name (required) : the fully qualified class name of the 
-                     delegation class.</listitem>
-        <listitem>2) configuration type (optional) : specifies the way to instantiate 
+        <listitem><para>1) the class name (required) : the fully qualified class name of the 
+                     delegation class.</para></listitem>
+        <listitem><para>2) configuration type (optional) : specifies the way to instantiate 
                      and configure the delegation object.  By default the default 
-                     constructor is used and the configuration information is ignored.</listitem>
-        <listitem>3) configuration (optional) : the configuration of the delegation 
-                     object in the format as required by the configuration type.</listitem>
+                     constructor is used and the configuration information is ignored.</para></listitem>
+        <listitem><para>3) configuration (optional) : the configuration of the delegation 
+                     object in the format as required by the configuration type.</para></listitem>
       <para>Next is a description of all the configuration types:</para>
       <section id="configtypefield">
@@ -208,17 +214,18 @@
         <para>Supported type conversions:</para>
-          <listitem>String doesn't need converting, of course.  But it is trimmed.
+          <listitem><para>String doesn't need converting, of course.  But it is trimmed.</para>
-          <listitem>primitive types such as int, long, float, double, ...
+          <listitem><para>primitive types such as int, long, float, double, ...</para>
-          <listitem>and the basic wrapper classes for the primitive types.
+          <listitem><para>and the basic wrapper classes for the primitive types.</para>
-          <listitem>lists, sets and collections.  In that case each element of the 
+          <listitem><para>lists, sets and collections.  In that case each element of the 
           xml-content is consitered as an element of the collection and is parsed, recursively applying the 
           conversions.  If the type of the elements is different from <literal>java.lang.String</literal> 
           this can be indicated by specifying a type attribute with the fully qualified type name.
           For example, following snippet will inject an ArrayList of Strings into field 'numbers':
+          </para></listitem></itemizedlist>
@@ -235,18 +242,19 @@
-          </listitem>
-          <listitem>maps.  In this case, each element of the field-element is expected to have one subelement 
+          <itemizedlist>
+          <listitem><para>maps.  In this case, each element of the field-element is expected to have one subelement 
             <literal>key</literal> and one element <literal>value</literal>.  The key and element are both 
               parsed using the conversion rules recursively.  Just the same as with collections, a conversion to 
-              <literal>java.lang.String</literal> is assumed if no <literal>type</literal> attribute is specified.
+              <literal>java.lang.String</literal> is assumed if no <literal>type</literal> attribute is specified.</para>
-            <listitem>org.dom4j.Element
+            <listitem><para>org.dom4j.Element</para>
-          <listitem>for any other type, the string constructor is used.
+          <listitem><para>for any other type, the string constructor is used.</para>
         <para>For example in the following class...</para>
         <programlisting>public class MyAction implements ActionHandler {
   // access specifiers can be private, default, protected or public
   private String city;
@@ -288,8 +296,8 @@
       expression like e.g. <literal>expression="#{myVar.handler[assignments].assign}"</literal>
     <para>The basics of this expression language can be found 
-      <ulink url="http://java.sun.com/j2ee/1.4/docs/tutorial/doc/JSPIntro7.html">in the J2EE 
-      tutorial</ulink>.  
+      in the J2EE 
+      tutorial (<ulink url="http://java.sun.com/j2ee/1.4/docs/tutorial/doc/JSPIntro7.html" />).  
     <para>The jPDL expression language is similar to the JSF expression language.  Meaning that 
       jPDL EL is based on JSP EL, but it uses <literal>#{...}</literal> notation and that it 
@@ -299,16 +307,16 @@
       be used as starting variables along with the following implicit objects:
-      <listitem>taskInstance (org.jbpm.taskmgmt.exe.TaskInstance)</listitem>
-      <listitem>processInstance (org.jbpm.graph.exe.ProcessInstance)</listitem>
-      <listitem>processDefinition (org.jbpm.graph.def.ProcessDefinition)</listitem>
-      <listitem>token (org.jbpm.graph.exe.Token)</listitem>
-      <listitem>taskMgmtInstance (org.jbpm.taskmgmt.exe.TaskMgmtInstance)</listitem>
-      <listitem>contextInstance (org.jbpm.context.exe.ContextInstance)</listitem>
+      <listitem><para>taskInstance (org.jbpm.taskmgmt.exe.TaskInstance)</para></listitem>
+      <listitem><para>processInstance (org.jbpm.graph.exe.ProcessInstance)</para></listitem>
+      <listitem><para>processDefinition (org.jbpm.graph.def.ProcessDefinition)</para></listitem>
+      <listitem><para>token (org.jbpm.graph.exe.Token)</para></listitem>
+      <listitem><para>taskMgmtInstance (org.jbpm.taskmgmt.exe.TaskMgmtInstance)</para></listitem>
+      <listitem><para>contextInstance (org.jbpm.context.exe.ContextInstance)</para></listitem>
     <para>This feature becomes really powerfull in a JBoss SEAM environment.  
       Because of the integration between jBPM and 
-      <ulink url="http://www.jboss.com/products/seam">JBoss SEAM</ulink>, all of your backed 
+      JBoss SEAM (<ulink url="http://www.jboss.com/products/seam" />), all of your backed 
       beans, EJB's and other <literal>one-kind-of-stuff</literal> becomes available right 
       inside of your process definition.  Thanks Gavin ! Absolutely awsome ! :-)
@@ -330,16 +338,17 @@
         <para>And second, the xerces parser has to be on the classpath.</para>
         <para>The jPDL schema can be found in <literal>${jbpm.home}/src/java.jbpm/org/jbpm/jpdl/xml/jpdl-3.2.xsd</literal>
-          or at <ulink url="http://jbpm.org/jpdl-3.2.xsd">http://jbpm.org/jpdl-3.2.xsd</ulink>.
+          or at <ulink url="http://jbpm.org/jpdl-3.2.xsd" />.
     <section id="processdefinition.element">
       <table id="process.definition.schema">
+       <title>process-definition schema</title>
         <tgroup cols="4" rowsep="1" colsep="1">
-          <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="1*"/>
-          <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="2*"/>
+          <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="1*" />
+          <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="2*" />
               <entry align="center">Name</entry>
@@ -356,56 +365,56 @@
               <entry>the name of the process</entry>
-              <entry><link linkend="swimlane.element">swimlane</link></entry>
+              <entry>swimlane</entry>
               <entry>the swimlanes used in this process.  The swimlanes represent process roles
               and they are used for task assignments.</entry>
-              <entry><link linkend="startstate.element">start-state</link></entry>
+              <entry>start-state</entry>
               <entry>the start state of the process.  Note that a process without a start-state
               is valid, but cannot be executed.</entry>
-              <entry>{<link linkend="endstate.element">end-state</link>|
-              <link linkend="state.element">state</link>|<link linkend="node.element">node</link>|
-              <link linkend="tasknode.element">task-node</link>|
-              <link linkend="processstate.element">process-state</link>|
-              <link linkend="superstate.element">super-state</link>|
-              <link linkend="fork.element">fork</link>|<link linkend="join.element">join</link>|
-              <link linkend="decision.element">decision</link>}</entry>
+              <entry>{end-state|
+              state|node|
+              task-node
+              process-state
+              super-state|
+              fork|join|
+              decision}</entry>
               <entry>the nodes of the process definition.  Note that a process without nodes is valid,
               but cannot be executed.</entry>
-              <entry><link linkend="event.element">event</link></entry>
+              <entry>event</entry>
               <entry>the process events that serve as a container for actions</entry>
-              <entry>{<link linkend="action.element">action</link>|
-              <link linkend="script.element">script</link>|
-              <link linkend="create.timer.element">create-timer</link>|
-              <link linkend="cancel.timer.element">cancel-timer</link>}</entry>
+              <entry>{action|
+              script|
+              create-timer|
+              cancel-timer}</entry>
               <entry>global defined actions that can be referenced from events and transitions.
               Notice these actions must specify a name in order to be referenced.</entry>
-              <entry><link linkend="task.element">task</link></entry>
+              <entry>task</entry>
               <entry>global defined tasks that can be used in e.g. actions.</entry>
-              <entry><link linkend="exceptionhandler.element">exception-handler</link></entry>
+              <entry>exception-handler</entry>
               <entry>a list of exception handlers that applies to all 
@@ -419,9 +428,10 @@
     <section id="node.element">
       <table frame="topbot" id="node.schema">
+      <title>Node Schema</title>
         <tgroup cols="4" rowsep="1" colsep="1">
-          <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="1*"/>
-          <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="2*"/>
+          <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="1*" />
+          <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="2*" />
               <entry align="center">Name</entry>
@@ -432,19 +442,19 @@
-              <entry>{<link linkend="action.element">action</link>|
-              <link linkend="script.element">script</link>|
-              <link linkend="create.timer.element">create-timer</link>|
-              <link linkend="cancel.timer.element">cancel-timer</link>}</entry>
+              <entry>{action|
+              script|
+              create-timer|
+              cancel-timer}</entry>
               <entry>a custom action that represents the behaviour for this node</entry>
-              <entry><link linkend="common.node.elements">common node elements</link></entry>
+              <entry>common node elements</entry>
-              <entry>See <link linkend="common.node.elements">common node elements</link></entry>
+              <entry>See common node elements</entry>
@@ -454,9 +464,10 @@
     <section id="common.node.elements">
       <title>common node elements</title>
       <table frame="topbot" id="common.node.schema">
+            <title>common node elements</title>
         <tgroup cols="4" rowsep="1" colsep="1">
-          <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="1*"/>
-          <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="2*"/>
+          <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="1*" />
+          <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="2*" />
               <entry align="center">Name</entry>
@@ -477,11 +488,11 @@
               <entry>{ true | false }, false is the default</entry>
               <entry>If set to true, this node will be executed asynchronously.
-                 See also <xref linkend="asynchronouscontinuations" />
-              <entry><link linkend="transition.element">transition</link></entry>
+              <entry>transition</entry>
               <entry>the leaving transitions.  Each transition leaving a 
@@ -491,20 +502,20 @@
               left without specifying a transition.</entry>
-              <entry><link linkend="event.element">event</link></entry>
+              <entry>event</entry>
               <entry>supported event types: {node-enter|node-leave}</entry>
-              <entry><link linkend="exceptionhandler.element">exception-handler</link></entry>
+              <entry>exception-handler</entry>
               <entry>a list of exception handlers that applies to all 
               exceptions thrown by delegation classes thrown in this process node.</entry>
-              <entry><link linkend="timer.element">timer</link></entry>
+              <entry>timer</entry>
               <entry>specifies a timer that monitors the duration of an execution in this node.</entry>
@@ -517,9 +528,10 @@
     <section id="startstate.element">
       <table frame="topbot" id="start.state.schema">
+        <title>start-state</title>
         <tgroup cols="4" rowsep="1" colsep="1">
-          <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="1*"/>
-          <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="2*"/>
+          <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="1*" />
+          <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="2*" />
               <entry align="center">Name</entry>
@@ -536,26 +548,26 @@
               <entry>the name of the node</entry>
-              <entry><link linkend="task.element">task</link></entry>
+              <entry>task</entry>
-              <entry>the task to start a new instance for this process or to capture the process initiator. See <xref linkend="swimlaneinstarttask"/></entry>
+              <entry>the task to start a new instance for this process or to capture the process initiator. </entry>
-              <entry><link linkend="event.element">event</link></entry>
+              <entry>event</entry>
               <entry>supported event types: {node-leave}</entry>
-              <entry><link linkend="transition.element">transition</link></entry>
+              <entry>transition</entry>
               <entry>the leaving transitions. Each transition leaving a 
               node *must* have a distinct name.</entry>
-              <entry><link linkend="exceptionhandler.element">exception-handler</link></entry>
+              <entry>exception-handler</entry>
               <entry>a list of exception handlers that applies to all 
@@ -569,9 +581,10 @@
     <section id="endstate.element">
       <table frame="topbot" id="end.state.schema">
+       <title>end-state</title>
         <tgroup cols="4" rowsep="1" colsep="1">
-          <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="1*"/>
-          <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="2*"/>
+          <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="1*" />
+          <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="2*" />
               <entry align="center">Name</entry>
@@ -598,13 +611,13 @@
               true, then the full process instance is ended.</entry>
-              <entry><link linkend="event.element">event</link></entry>
+              <entry>event</entry>
               <entry>supported event types: {node-enter}</entry>
-              <entry><link linkend="exceptionhandler.element">exception-handler</link></entry>
+              <entry>exception-handler</entry>
               <entry>a list of exception handlers that applies to all 
@@ -618,9 +631,10 @@
     <section id="state.element">
       <table frame="topbot" id="state.schema">
+         <title>state</title>
         <tgroup cols="4" rowsep="1" colsep="1">
-          <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="1*"/>
-          <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="2*"/>
+          <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="1*" />
+          <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="2*" />
               <entry align="center">Name</entry>
@@ -631,10 +645,10 @@
-              <entry><link linkend="common.node.elements">common node elements</link></entry>
+              <entry>common node elements</entry>
-              <entry>See <link linkend="common.node.elements">common node elements</link></entry>
@@ -644,9 +658,10 @@
     <section id="tasknode.element">
       <table frame="topbot" id="task.node.schema">
+         <title>task-node</title>
         <tgroup cols="4" rowsep="1" colsep="1">
-          <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="1*"/>
-          <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="2*"/>
+          <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="1*" />
+          <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="2*" />
               <entry align="center">Name</entry>
@@ -684,16 +699,16 @@
-              <entry><link linkend="task.element">task</link></entry>
+              <entry>task</entry>
               <entry>the tasks that should be created when execution arrives in this task node.</entry>
-              <entry><link linkend="common.node.elements">common node elements</link></entry>
+              <entry>common node elements</entry>
-              <entry>See <link linkend="common.node.elements">common node elements</link></entry>
@@ -703,9 +718,10 @@
     <section id="processstate.element">
       <table frame="topbot" id="process.state.schema">
+         <title>process-state</title>
         <tgroup cols="4" rowsep="1" colsep="1">
-          <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="1*"/>
-          <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="2*"/>
+          <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="1*" />
+          <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="2*" />
               <entry align="center">Name</entry>
@@ -722,13 +738,13 @@
               <entry>Defines the moment a subprocess is resolved. {late|*} defaults to resolving deploytime</entry>
-              <entry><link linkend="subprocess.element">sub-process</link></entry>
+              <entry>sub-process</entry>
               <entry>the sub process that is associated with this node</entry>
-              <entry><link linkend="variable.element">variable</link></entry>
+              <entry>variable</entry>
               <entry>specifies how data should be copied from the super process 
@@ -736,10 +752,10 @@
               super process upon completion of the sub process.</entry>
-              <entry><link linkend="common.node.elements">common node elements</link></entry>
+              <entry>common node elements</entry>
-              <entry>See <link linkend="common.node.elements">common node elements</link></entry>
@@ -749,9 +765,10 @@
     <section id="superstate.element">
       <table frame="topbot" id="super.state.schema">
+        <title>super-state</title>
         <tgroup cols="4" rowsep="1" colsep="1">
-          <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="1*"/>
-          <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="2*"/>
+          <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="1*" />
+          <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="2*" />
               <entry align="center">Name</entry>
@@ -762,24 +779,24 @@
-              <entry>{<link linkend="endstate.element">end-state</link>|
-              <link linkend="state.element">state</link>|
-              <link linkend="node.element">node</link>|
-              <link linkend="tasknode.element">task-node</link>|
-              <link linkend="processstate.element">process-state</link>|
-              <link linkend="superstate.element">super-state</link>|
-              <link linkend="fork.element">fork</link>|
-              <link linkend="join.element">join</link>|
-              <link linkend="decision.element">decision</link>}</entry>
+              <entry>{end-state|
+              state|
+              node|
+              task-node|
+              process-state|
+              super-state|
+              fork|
+              join|
+              decision}</entry>
               <entry>the nodes of the superstate.  superstates can be nested.</entry>
-              <entry><link linkend="common.node.elements">common node elements</link></entry>
+              <entry>common node elements</entry>
-              <entry>See <link linkend="common.node.elements">common node elements</link></entry>
@@ -789,9 +806,10 @@
     <section id="fork.element">
       <table frame="topbot" id="fork.schema">
+        <title>fork</title>
         <tgroup cols="4" rowsep="1" colsep="1">
-          <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="1*"/>
-          <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="2*"/>
+          <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="1*" />
+          <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="2*" />
               <entry align="center">Name</entry>
@@ -802,10 +820,10 @@
-              <entry><link linkend="common.node.elements">common node elements</link></entry>
+              <entry>common node elements</entry>
-              <entry>See <link linkend="common.node.elements">common node elements</link></entry>
+              <entry>See common node elements</entry>
@@ -815,9 +833,10 @@
     <section id="join.element">
       <table frame="topbot" id="join.schema">
+         <title>join</title>
         <tgroup cols="4" rowsep="1" colsep="1">
-          <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="1*"/>
-          <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="2*"/>
+          <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="1*" />
+          <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="2*" />
               <entry align="center">Name</entry>
@@ -828,10 +847,10 @@
-              <entry><link linkend="common.node.elements">common node elements</link></entry>
+              <entry>common node elements</entry>
-              <entry>See <link linkend="common.node.elements">common node elements</link></entry>
@@ -841,9 +860,10 @@
     <section id="decision.element">
       <table frame="topbot" id="decision.schema">
+        <title>decision</title>
         <tgroup cols="4" rowsep="1" colsep="1">
-          <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="1*"/>
-          <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="2*"/>
+          <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="1*" />
+          <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="2*" />
               <entry align="center">Name</entry>
@@ -854,7 +874,7 @@
-              <entry><link linkend="handler.element">handler</link></entry>
+              <entry>handler</entry>
               <entry>required, unless conditions are placed in the leaving transitions</entry>
               <entry>the fully qualified name of a class that implements the 
@@ -870,14 +890,14 @@
               <emphasis>default</emphasis> transition is taken. The default transition is
               the first unconditional transition if there is one, or else the first
               conditional transition. Transitions are considered in document order.
-              See <link linkend="condition.element">the condition element</link>
-              <entry><link linkend="common.node.elements">common node elements</link></entry>
+              <entry>common node elements</entry>
-              <entry>See <link linkend="common.node.elements">common node elements</link></entry>
@@ -887,9 +907,10 @@
     <section id="event.element">
       <table frame="topbot" id="event.schema">
+         <title>event</title>
         <tgroup cols="4" rowsep="1" colsep="1">
-          <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="1*"/>
-          <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="2*"/>
+          <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="1*" />
+          <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="2*" />
               <entry align="center">Name</entry>
@@ -907,7 +928,7 @@
               on which the event is placed</entry>
-              <entry>{<link linkend="action.element">action</link>|<link linkend="script.element">script</link>|<link linkend="create.timer.element">create-timer</link>|<link linkend="cancel.timer.element">cancel-timer</link>}</entry>
+              <entry>{action|script|create-timer|cancel-timer}</entry>
               <entry>the list of actions that should be executed on this event</entry>
@@ -920,9 +941,10 @@
     <section id="transition.element">
       <table frame="topbot" id="transition.schema">
+            <title>transition</title>
         <tgroup cols="4" rowsep="1" colsep="1">
-          <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="1*"/>
-          <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="2*"/>
+          <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="1*" />
+          <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="2*" />
               <entry align="center">Name</entry>
@@ -943,20 +965,19 @@
-              <entry>the hierarchical name of the destination node.  For more information about hierarchical 
-              names, see <xref linkend="hierarchicalnames" /></entry>
+              <entry>the hierarchical name of the destination node.  </entry>
               <entry>attribute or element text</entry>
-              <entry>a guard condition <link linkend="expressions">expression</link>.  These condition 
+              <entry>a guard condition expression.  These condition 
               attributes (or child elements) can be used in decision nodes, or to calculate the 
               available transitions on a token at runtime.
-              <entry>{<link linkend="action.element">action</link>|<link linkend="script.element">script</link>|<link linkend="create.timer.element">create-timer</link>|<link linkend="cancel.timer.element">cancel-timer</link>}</entry>
+              <entry>{action|script|create-timer|cancel-timer}</entry>
               <entry>the actions to be executed upon taking this transition.  Note that the 
@@ -964,7 +985,7 @@
               only one)</entry>
-              <entry><link linkend="exceptionhandler.element">exception-handler</link></entry>
+              <entry>exception-handler</entry>
               <entry>a list of exception handlers that applies to all 
@@ -978,9 +999,10 @@
     <section id="action.element">
       <table frame="topbot" id="action.schema">
+            <title>action</title>
         <tgroup cols="4" rowsep="1" colsep="1">
-          <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="1*"/>
-          <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="2*"/>
+          <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="1*" />
+          <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="2*" />
               <entry align="center">Name</entry>
@@ -1017,7 +1039,7 @@
               <entry>either this, a class or a ref-name</entry>
-              <entry>A jPDL expression that resolves to a method.  See also <xref linkend="expressions" />
+              <entry>A jPDL expression that resolves to a method.  
@@ -1026,14 +1048,14 @@
               <entry>{yes|no|true|false}.  Default is yes|true. If set to false, the action 
               will only be executed on events that were fired on this action's element.
-              for more information, see <xref linkend="eventpropagation"/>
-              <entry>{<link linkend="configtypefield">field</link>|<link linkend="configtypebean">bean</link>|<link linkend="configtypeconstructor">constructor</link>|<link linkend="configtypeconfigurationproperty">configuration-property</link>}. 
+              <entry>{field|bean|constructor|configuration-property}. 
               Specifies how the action-object should be constructed and how the content of this element should be used as configuration information for that action-object.
@@ -1052,8 +1074,7 @@
               <entry>the content of the action can be used as configuration information
               for your custom action implementations. This allows the creation of reusable 
-              delegation classes.  For more about delegation configuration, see 
-              <xref linkend="configurationofdelegations"/>.
+              delegation classes.  
@@ -1064,9 +1085,10 @@
     <section id="script.element">
       <table frame="topbot" id="script.schema">
+       <title>script</title>
         <tgroup cols="4" rowsep="1" colsep="1">
-          <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="1*"/>
-          <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="2*"/>
+          <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="1*" />
+          <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="2*" />
               <entry align="center">Name</entry>
@@ -1090,19 +1112,19 @@
               <entry>optional [0..*]</entry>
               <entry>{yes|no|true|false}.  Default is yes|true. If set to false, the action 
               will only be executed on events that were fired on this action's element.
-              for more information, see <xref linkend="eventpropagation"/>
-              <entry><link linkend="expression.element">expression</link></entry>
+              <entry>expression</entry>
-              <entry>the beanshell script.  If you don't specify <link linkend="variable.element">variable</link> 
+              <entry>the beanshell script.  If you don't specify variable
               elements, you can write the expression as the content 
               of the script element (omitting the expression element tag).</entry>
-              <entry><link linkend="variable.element">variable</link></entry>
+              <entry>variable</entry>
               <entry>in variable for the script.  If no in variables are specified, all the 
@@ -1118,9 +1140,10 @@
     <section id="expression.element">
       <table frame="topbot" id="expression.schema">
+            <title>expression</title>
         <tgroup cols="4" rowsep="1" colsep="1">
-          <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="1*"/>
-          <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="2*"/>
+          <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="1*" />
+          <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="2*" />
               <entry align="center">Name</entry>
@@ -1145,9 +1168,10 @@
     <section id="variable.element">
       <table frame="topbot" id="variable.schema">
+       <title>variable</title>
         <tgroup cols="4" rowsep="1" colsep="1">
-          <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="1*"/>
-          <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="2*"/>
+          <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="1*" />
+          <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="2*" />
               <entry align="center">Name</entry>
@@ -1192,9 +1216,10 @@
     <section id="handler.element">
       <table frame="topbot" id="handler.schema">
+       <title>handler</title>
         <tgroup cols="4" rowsep="1" colsep="1">
-          <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="1*"/>
-          <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="2*"/>
+          <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="1*" />
+          <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="2*" />
               <entry align="center">Name</entry>
@@ -1210,7 +1235,7 @@
               <entry>either this or a class</entry>
               <entry>A jPDL expression.  The returned result is transformed to a string with 
                 the toString() method.  The resulting string should match one of the leaving 
-                transitions. See also <xref linkend="expressions" />.
+                transitions. 
@@ -1225,7 +1250,7 @@
-              <entry>{<link linkend="configtypefield">field</link>|<link linkend="configtypebean">bean</link>|<link linkend="configtypeconstructor">constructor</link>|<link linkend="configtypeconfigurationproperty">configuration-property</link>}. 
+              <entry>{field|bean|constructor|configuration-property}. 
               Specifies how the action-object should be constructed and how the content of this element should be used as configuration information for that action-object.
@@ -1235,8 +1260,7 @@
               <entry>the content of the handler can be used as configuration information
               for your custom handler implementations. This allows the creation of reusable 
-              delegation classes.  For more about delegation configuration, see 
-              <xref linkend="configurationofdelegations"/>.
+              delegation classes. 
@@ -1247,9 +1271,10 @@
     <section id="timer.element">
       <table frame="topbot" id="timer.schema">
+        <title>timer</title>
         <tgroup cols="4" rowsep="1" colsep="1">
-          <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="1*"/>
-          <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="2*"/>
+          <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="1*" />
+          <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="2*" />
               <entry align="center">Name</entry>
@@ -1272,7 +1297,7 @@
               <entry>the duration (optionally expressed in business hours) that specifies 
               the time period between the creation of the timer and the execution of the timer.
-              See <xref linkend="duration" /> for the syntax.</entry>
+              See Duration  for the syntax.</entry>
@@ -1280,8 +1305,7 @@
               <entry>{duration | 'yes' | 'true'}after a timer has been executed on the duedate, 'repeat' optionally 
               specifies duration between repeating timer executions until the node is left.
-              If <literal>yes</literal> or <literal>true</literal> is specified, the same duration 
-              as for the due date is taken for the repeat.  See <xref linkend="duration" /> for the 
+              If <literal>yes</literal> or <literal>true</literal> is specified, the same duration  for the 
@@ -1304,7 +1328,7 @@
-              <entry>{<link linkend="action.element">action</link>|<link linkend="script.element">script</link>|<link linkend="create.timer.element">create-timer</link>|<link linkend="cancel.timer.element">cancel-timer</link>}</entry>
+              <entry>{action|script|create-timer|cancel-timer}</entry>
               <entry>an action that should be executed when this timer fires</entry>
@@ -1317,9 +1341,10 @@
     <section id="create.timer.element">
       <table frame="topbot" id="create.timer.schema">
+        <title>create-timer</title>
         <tgroup cols="4" rowsep="1" colsep="1">
-          <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="1*"/>
-          <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="2*"/>
+          <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="1*" />
+          <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="2*" />
               <entry align="center">Name</entry>
@@ -1342,7 +1367,7 @@
               <entry>the duration (optionally expressed in business hours) that specifies the 
               the time period between the creation of the timer and the execution of the timer.
-              See <xref linkend="duration" /> for the syntax.</entry>
+              See Duration for the syntax.</entry>
@@ -1351,7 +1376,7 @@
               <entry>{duration | 'yes' | 'true'}after a timer has been executed on the duedate, 'repeat' optionally 
               specifies duration between repeating timer executions until the node is left.
               If <literal>yes</literal> of <literal>true</literal> is specified, the same duration 
-              as for the due date is taken for the repeat.  See <xref linkend="duration" /> for the 
+              as for the due date is taken for the repeat.  See Duration for the 
@@ -1369,9 +1394,10 @@
     <section id="cancel.timer.element">
       <table frame="topbot" id="cancel.timer.schema">
+         <title>cancel-timer</title>
         <tgroup cols="4" rowsep="1" colsep="1">
-          <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="1*"/>
-          <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="2*"/>
+          <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="1*" />
+          <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="2*" />
               <entry align="center">Name</entry>
@@ -1395,9 +1421,10 @@
     <section id="task.element">
       <table frame="topbot" id="task.schema">
+        <title>task</title>
         <tgroup cols="4" rowsep="1" colsep="1">
-          <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="1*"/>
-          <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="2*"/>
+          <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="1*" />
+          <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="2*" />
               <entry align="center">Name</entry>
@@ -1436,14 +1463,13 @@
-              <entry>is a duration expressed in absolute or business hours as 
-              explained in <xref linkend="businesscalendar"/></entry>
+              <entry>is a duration expressed in absolute or business hours</entry>
-              <entry>reference to a <link linkend="swimlane.element">swimlane</link>.  If a swimlane 
+              <entry>reference to a swimlane.  If a swimlane 
               is specified on a task, the assignment is ignored.</entry>
@@ -1454,14 +1480,14 @@
               can be specified for the priority.  FYI: (highest=1, lowest=5)</entry>
-              <entry><link linkend="assignment.element">assignment</link></entry>
+              <entry>assignment</entry>
-              <entry>describes a <link linkend="delegation">delegation</link> that will assign 
+              <entry>describes a delegation that will assign 
               the task to an actor when the task is created.</entry>
-              <entry><link linkend="event.element">event</link></entry>
+              <entry>event</entry>
               <entry>supported event types: {task-create|task-start|task-assign|task-end}.  Especially
@@ -1469,14 +1495,14 @@
               <literal>previousActorId</literal> to the <literal>TaskInstance</literal></entry>
-              <entry><link linkend="exceptionhandler.element">exception-handler</link></entry>
+              <entry>exception-handler</entry>
               <entry>a list of exception handlers that applies to all 
               exceptions thrown by delegation classes thrown in this process node.</entry>
-              <entry><link linkend="timer.element">timer</link></entry>
+              <entry>timer</entry>
               <entry>specifies a timer that monitors the duration of an execution in this task.
@@ -1487,7 +1513,7 @@
-              <entry><link linkend="controller.element">controller</link></entry>
+              <entry>controller</entry>
               <entry>specifies how the process variables are transformed into task
@@ -1503,9 +1529,10 @@
     <section id="swimlane.element">
       <table frame="topbot" id="swimlane.schema">
+         <title>swimlane</title>
         <tgroup cols="4" rowsep="1" colsep="1">
-          <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="1*"/>
-          <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="2*"/>
+          <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="1*" />
+          <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="2*" />
               <entry align="center">Name</entry>
@@ -1523,7 +1550,7 @@
-              <entry><link linkend="assignment.element">assignment</link></entry>
+              <entry>assignment</entry>
               <entry>specifies a the assignment of this swimlane.  the assignment will be performed 
@@ -1538,9 +1565,10 @@
     <section id="assignment.element">
       <table frame="topbot" id="assignment.schema">
+        <title>assignment</title>
         <tgroup cols="4" rowsep="1" colsep="1">
-          <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="1*"/>
-          <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="2*"/>
+          <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="1*" />
+          <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="2*" />
               <entry align="center">Name</entry>
@@ -1555,10 +1583,8 @@
               <entry>For historical reasons, this attribute expression does <emphasis role="bold">not</emphasis> 
-                  refer to <link linkend="expressions">the jPDL expression</link>, but instead, it is 
-                  an assignment expression for the jBPM identity component. For 
-                  more information on how to write 
-                  jBPM identity component expressions, see <xref linkend="assignmentexpressions" />.  
+                  refer to the jPDL expression, but instead, it is 
+                  an assignment expression for the jBPM identity component. 
                   Note that this implementation has a dependency on the jbpm identity component.
@@ -1567,7 +1593,7 @@
               <entry>An actorId.  Can be used in conjunction with pooled-actors.  The actor-id 
-               is resolved as <link linkend="expressions">an expression</link>.  So you can refer to 
+               is resolved as an expression.  So you can refer to 
                a fixed actorId like this <literal>actor-id="bobthebuilder"</literal>.  Or you can refer 
                to a property or method that returns a String like this: 
                <literal>actor-id="myVar.actorId"</literal>, which will invoke the getActorId method 
@@ -1581,8 +1607,8 @@
               <entry>A comma separated list of actorIds.  Can be used in conjunction 
                 with actor-id.  A fixed set of pooled actors can be specified like this:
                 <literal>pooled-actors="chicagobulls, pointersisters"</literal>.  The 
-                pooled-actors will be resolved as <link linkend="expressions">an 
-                expression</link>.  So you can also refer to a property or method that has to 
+                pooled-actors will be resolved as an 
+                expression.  So you can also refer to a property or method that has to 
                 return, a String[], a Collection or a comma separated list of pooled actors.
@@ -1597,7 +1623,7 @@
-              <entry>{<link linkend="configtypefield">field</link>|<link linkend="configtypebean">bean</link>|<link linkend="configtypeconstructor">constructor</link>|<link linkend="configtypeconfigurationproperty">configuration-property</link>}. 
+              <entry>{field|bean|constructor|configuration-property}. 
               Specifies how the assignment-handler-object should be constructed and how the content of this element should be used as configuration information for that assignment-handler-object.
@@ -1607,8 +1633,7 @@
               <entry>the content of the assignment-element can be used as configuration information
               for your AssignmentHandler implementations. This allows the creation of reusable 
-              delegation classes.  for more about delegation configuration, see 
-              <xref linkend="configurationofdelegations"/>.
+              delegation classes. 
@@ -1619,9 +1644,10 @@
     <section id="controller.element">
       <table frame="topbot" id="controller.schema">
+         <title>controller</title>
         <tgroup cols="4" rowsep="1" colsep="1">
-          <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="1*"/>
-          <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="2*"/>
+          <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="1*" />
+          <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="2*" />
               <entry align="center">Name</entry>
@@ -1642,7 +1668,7 @@
-              <entry>{<link linkend="configtypefield">field</link>|<link linkend="configtypebean">bean</link>|<link linkend="configtypeconstructor">constructor</link>|<link linkend="configtypeconfigurationproperty">configuration-property</link>}. 
+              <entry>{field|bean|constructor|configuration-property}. 
               Specifies how the assignment-handler-object should be constructed and how the content of this element should be used as configuration information for that assignment-handler-object.
@@ -1656,7 +1682,7 @@
               must be a list of variable elements.</entry>
-              <entry><link linkend="variable.element">variable</link></entry>
+              <entry>variable</entry>
               <entry>in case no task controller handler is specified by the class 
@@ -1671,9 +1697,10 @@
     <section id="subprocess.element">
       <table frame="topbot" id="sub.process.schema">
+      <title>sub-process</title>
         <tgroup cols="4" rowsep="1" colsep="1">
-          <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="1*"/>
-          <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="2*"/>
+          <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="1*" />
+          <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="2*" />
               <entry align="center">Name</entry>
@@ -1687,8 +1714,7 @@
-              <entry>the name of the sub process. Can be an EL expression, as long as it resolves to a String. Powerful especially with late binding in the process-state. To know how you can test 
-              subprocesses, see <xref linkend="testingsubprocesses" /></entry>
+              <entry>the name of the sub process. Can be an EL expression, as long as it resolves to a String. Powerful especially with late binding in the process-state. </entry>
@@ -1697,7 +1723,7 @@
               <entry>the version of the sub process. If no version is
               specified, the latest version of the given process as known
               while deploying the parent
-              <link linkend="processstate.element">process-state</link>
+              process-state
               will be taken.</entry>
@@ -1705,7 +1731,7 @@
               <entry>indicates if the version of the sub process should be determined
-              when deploying the parent <link linkend="processstate.element">process-state</link>
+              when deploying the parent process-state 
              (default behavior), or when actually invoking the sub process
              (<literal>binding="late"</literal>). When both <literal>version</literal> and
              <literal>binding="late"</literal> are given then jBPM will use the version as
@@ -1721,9 +1747,10 @@
     <section id="condition.element">
       <table frame="topbot" id="condition.schema">
+      <title>condition</title>
         <tgroup cols="4" rowsep="1" colsep="1">
-          <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="1*"/>
-          <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="2*"/>
+          <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="1*" />
+          <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="2*" />
               <entry align="center">Name</entry>
@@ -1738,8 +1765,8 @@
               <entry>{content}  For backwards compatibility, the condition can also be entered with the 'expression' 
               attribute, but that attribute is deprecated since 3.2</entry>
-              <entry>The contents of the condition element is <link linkend="expressions">a 
-              jPDL expression</link> that should evaluate to a boolean.  A decision takes the 
+              <entry>The contents of the condition element is a 
+              jPDL expression that should evaluate to a boolean.  A decision takes the 
               first transition (as ordered in the processdefinition.xml) for which the expression 
               resolves to <literal>true</literal>.  If none of the conditions resolve
               to true, the default leaving transition (== the first one) will be taken.
@@ -1753,9 +1780,10 @@
     <section id="exceptionhandler.element">
       <table frame="topbot" id="exception.handler.schema">
+       <title>exception-handler</title>
         <tgroup cols="4" rowsep="1" colsep="1">
-          <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="1*"/>
-          <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="2*"/>
+          <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="1*" />
+          <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="2*" />
               <entry align="center">Name</entry>
@@ -1774,7 +1802,7 @@
-              <entry><link linkend="action.element">action</link></entry>
+              <entry>action</entry>
               <entry>a list of actions to be executed when an exception is being handled by this 

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 <chapter id="logging">

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 <chapter id="mail">
   <title>Email support</title>
@@ -28,13 +33,12 @@
       <para>Each of the fields can contain JSF like expressions.  For example:
       <programlisting>&lt;mail to='#{initiator}' subject='websale' text='your websale of #{quantity} #{item} was approved' /&gt;</programlisting>
-      <para>For more information about expressions, see <xref linkend="expressions" />.
-      </para>
       <para>There are two attribute to specify recipients: <literal>actors</literal> and 
       <literal>to</literal>.  The <literal>to</literal> attribute should resolve to a semicolon
       separated list of email addresses.  The <literal>actors</literal> attribute should resolve to a 
       semicolon separated list of actorIds. Those actorIds will be resolved to email addresses with by 
-      means of <link linkend="addressresolving">address resolving</link>.
+      means of address resolving (<xref linkend="addressresolving"/>).
       <programlisting>&lt;mail to='admin at mycompany.com' subject='urgent' text='the mailserver is down :-)' /&gt;</programlisting>
       <para>For more about how to specify recipients, see <xref linkend="specifyingmailrecipients" /></para>
@@ -52,7 +56,7 @@
         in the process graph.
       <para>The attributes and elements supported by mail nodes are exactly the same as with 
-      the <link linkend="mailaction">mail actions</link>.
+      the mail actions (<xref linkend="mailaction" />).
       <programlisting>&lt;mail-node name="send email" to="#{president}" subject="readmylips" text="nomoretaxes"&gt;
   &lt;transition to="the next node" /&gt;
@@ -95,13 +99,12 @@
   <section id="expressionsinmails">
     <title>Expressions in mails</title>
     <para>The fields <literal>to</literal>, <literal>recipients</literal>, <literal>subject</literal>
-    and <literal>text</literal> can contain JSF-like expressions.  For more information about expressions, 
-    see <xref linkend="expressions" />
+    and <literal>text</literal> can contain JSF-like expressions. 
     <para>The variables in the expressions can be: swimlanes, process variables, transient variables 
     beans configured in the jbpm.cfg.xml, ...
-    <para>These expressions can be combined with the <link linkend="addressresolving">address resolving</link> 
+    <para>These expressions can be combined with the address resolving (<xref linkend="addressresolving" />)
     that is explained later in this chapter.  For example, suppose that you have a swimlane called president in 
     your process, then look at the following mail specification:
@@ -263,4 +266,4 @@
     property, all the processes that were already deployed will still refer to the old mail class name.
     But they can be easily updated with one simple update statement to the jbpm database.</para>
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 <chapter id="processmodelling">
   <title>Process Modelling</title>
@@ -96,8 +101,8 @@
   <section id="nodes">
-    <para>A process graph is made up of nodes and transitions.  For more information about the 
-    graph and its executional model, refer to <xref linkend="graphorientedprogramming" />.
+    <para>A process graph is made up of nodes and transitions. <!--  For more information about the 
+    graph and its executional model, refer to <xref linkend="graphorientedprogramming" />. -->
     <para>Each node has a specific type.  The node type determines what will happen when 
     an execution arrives in the node at runtime.  jBPM has a set of preimplemented node types 
@@ -111,38 +116,67 @@
       few task instances, sending a notification, updating a database,...  Secondly, a node 
       is responsible for propagating the process execution.  Basically, each node has the 
       following options for propagating the process execution:</para>
-      <itemizedlist>
-        <listitem><emphasis role="bold">1. not propagate the execution.</emphasis>  In that 
-        case the node behaves as a wait state.</listitem>
-        <listitem><emphasis role="bold">2. propagate the execution over one of the leaving 
-        transitions of the node.</emphasis>  This means that the token that originally 
+      <variablelist>
+        <varlistentry>
+				<term>1. not propagate the execution.</term>  
+        <listitem><para>In that 
+        case the node behaves as a wait state. </para></listitem>
+     </varlistentry>
+        <varlistentry>
+				<term>2. propagate the execution over one of the leaving 
+        transitions of the node.</term>  
+        <listitem><para>This means that the token that originally 
         arrived in the node is passed over one of the leaving transitions with the API call
         executionContext.leaveNode(String).  The node will now act as an automatic node in the 
         sense it can execute some custom programming logic and then continue process execution 
-        automatically without waiting.</listitem>
-        <listitem><emphasis role="bold">3. create new paths of execution.</emphasis> A node can
+        automatically without waiting. </para></listitem>
+     </varlistentry>
+        <varlistentry>
+				<term>3. create new paths of execution.</term> 
+        <listitem><para>A node can
         decide to create new tokens.  Each new token represents a new path of execution and 
         each new token can be launched over the node's leaving transitions. A good example of 
-        this kind of behaviour is the fork node.</listitem>
-        <listitem><emphasis role="bold">4. end paths of execution.</emphasis> A node can decide
+        this kind of behaviour is the fork node. </para></listitem>
+     </varlistentry>
+        <varlistentry>
+				<term>4. end paths of execution.</term> 
+        <listitem><para>A node can decide
         to end a path of execution. That means that the token is ended and the path of execution
-        is finished.</listitem>
-        <listitem><emphasis role="bold">5. more general, a node can modify the whole runtime 
-        structure of the process instance.</emphasis>  The runtime structure is a process instance 
+        is finished. </para></listitem>
+     </varlistentry>
+        <varlistentry>
+				<term>5. more general, a node can modify the whole runtime 
+        structure of the process instance.</term>  
+        <listitem><para>The runtime structure is a process instance 
         that contains a tree of tokens.  Each token represents a path of execution.  A node can 
         create and end tokens, put each token in a node of the graph and launch tokens over 
-        transitions.</listitem>
-      </itemizedlist>
+        transitions. </para></listitem>
+     </varlistentry>
+      </variablelist>
       <para>jBPM contains --as any workflow and BPM engine-- a set of preimplemented node types
       that have a specific documented configuration and behaviour.  But the unique thing about 
-      jBPM and the <link linkend="graphorientedprogramming">Graph Oriented Programming foundation</link>
+      jBPM and the Graph Oriented Programming foundation.
       is that we open up the model for developers.  Developers can write their own node behaviour
       very easy and use it in a process.
       <para>That is where traditional workflow and BPM systems are
       much more closed.  They usually supply a fixed set of node types (called the process language).
       Their process language is closed and the executional model is hidden in the runtime 
-      environment.  Research of <ulink url="http://www.workflowpatterns.com">workflow patterns</ulink>
+      environment.  Research of workflow patterns (<ulink url="http://www.workflowpatterns.com" />)
       has shown that any process language is not powerfull enough.  We have decided for a simple 
       model and allow developers to write their own node types.  That way the JPDL process language 
       is open ended.</para>
@@ -217,7 +251,7 @@
       <para>The type node serves the situation where you want to write your own code in a node.
       The nodetype node expects one subelement action.  The action is executed when the execution
       arrives in the node.  The code you write in the actionhandler can do anything you want but 
-      it is also <link linkend="noderesponsibilities">responsible for propagating the execution</link>.
+      it is also responsible for propagating the execution (<xref linkend="noderesponsibilities" />.)
       <para>This node can be used if you want to use a JavaAPI to implement some functional logic that 
       is important for the business analyst.  By using a node, the node is visible in the graphical
@@ -259,8 +293,8 @@
     that is placed in a node.  Actions that are put in an event are executed when the event 
     fires.  Actions on events have no way to influence the flow of control of the process. 
     It is similar to the observer pattern.  On the other hand, an action that is put on a 
-    <link linkend="nodetypenode">node</link> has the <link linkend="noderesponsibilities">responsibility 
-    of propagating the execution</link>.</para>
+node (<xref linkend="nodetypenode" />) has the responsibility (<xref linkend="noderesponsibilities"/>) 
+    of propagating the execution.</para>
     <para>Let's look at an example of an action on an event.  Suppose we want to do a database 
     update on a given transition.  The database update is technically vital but it is not important 
@@ -303,8 +337,7 @@
     <section id="actionconfiguration">
       <title>Action configuration</title>
 	    <para>For more information about adding configurations to your custom actions and how 
-	    to specify the configuration in the <literal>processdefinition.xml</literal>, 
-	    see <xref linkend="configurationofdelegations"/>
+	    to specify the configuration in the <literal>processdefinition.xml</literal>.
@@ -349,11 +382,11 @@
-        <listitem>executionContext</listitem>
-        <listitem>token</listitem>
-        <listitem>node</listitem>
-        <listitem>task</listitem>
-        <listitem>taskInstance</listitem>
+        <listitem><para>executionContext</para></listitem>
+        <listitem><para>token</para></listitem>
+        <listitem><para>node</para></listitem>
+        <listitem><para>task</para></listitem>
+        <listitem><para>taskInstance</para></listitem>
@@ -655,11 +688,11 @@
     <literal>Node.leave(ExecutionContext,Transition)</literal> again. In summary:</para> 
-      <listitem>Token.signal(Transition)</listitem>
-      <listitem>--> Node.leave(ExecutionContext,Transition)</listitem>
-      <listitem>--> Transition.take(ExecutionContext)</listitem>
-      <listitem>--> Node.enter(ExecutionContext)</listitem>
-      <listitem>--> Node.execute(ExecutionContext)</listitem>
+      <listitem><para>Token.signal(Transition)</para></listitem>
+      <listitem><para>--> Node.leave(ExecutionContext,Transition)</para></listitem>
+      <listitem><para>--> Transition.take(ExecutionContext)</para></listitem>
+      <listitem><para>--> Node.enter(ExecutionContext)</para></listitem>
+      <listitem><para>--> Node.execute(ExecutionContext)</para></listitem>
     <para>Note that the complete calculation of the next state, including the invocation 
@@ -674,8 +707,7 @@
   <section id="transactiondemarcation">
     <title>Transaction demarcation</title>
-    <para>As explained in <xref linkend="graphexecution" /> and 
-    <xref linkend="graphorientedprogramming" />, jBPM runs the process in the thread of 
+    <para>As explained in <xref linkend="graphexecution" />, jBPM runs the process in the thread of 
     the client and is by nature synchronous.  Meaning that the <literal>token.signal()</literal>
     or <literal>taskInstance.end()</literal> will only return when the process has entered a new 
     wait state.

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 <chapter id="persistence">
@@ -21,18 +26,18 @@
   <para>For more information about the xml representation of process definitions
-  and process archives, see <xref linkend="jpdl" />.</para>
+  and process archives, see JPDL.</para>
+ <!-- 
   <para>More information on how to deploy a process archive to the database 
-  can be found in <xref linkend="deployingaprocessarchive" /> </para>
+  can be found in <xref linkend="deployingaprocessarchive" /> </para> -->
     <title>The persistence API</title>
     <section id="relationtotheconfigurationframework"><title>Relation to the configuration framework</title>
-    <para>The persistence API is an integrated with the <link linkend="configuration">
-      configuration framework</link> by exposing some convenience persistence methods 
+    <para>The persistence API is an integrated with the 
+      configuration framework (<xref linkend="configuration"/>) by exposing some convenience persistence methods 
       on the JbpmContext.  Persistence API operations can therefore be 
       called inside a jBPM context block like this:
@@ -62,14 +67,14 @@
     <section id="conveniencemethodsonjbpmcontext">
     <title>Convenience methods on JbpmContext</title>
-    <para>The three most common persistence operations are:
+    <para>The three most common persistence operations are:</para>
-        <listitem>Deploying a process</listitem>
-        <listitem>Starting a new execution of a process</listitem>
-        <listitem>Continuing an execution</listitem>
+        <listitem><para>Deploying a process</para></listitem>
+        <listitem><para>Starting a new execution of a process</para></listitem>
+        <listitem><para>Continuing an execution</para></listitem>
-    </para>
     <para>First deploying a process definition.  Typically, this will be done directly 
       from the graphical process designer or from the deployprocess ant task.  But here 
       you can see how this is done programmatically:
@@ -165,13 +170,13 @@
       server like JBoss.  The most common scenario is the following:
-      <listitem>Configure a DataSource in your application server
+      <listitem><para>Configure a DataSource in your application server</para>
-      <listitem>Configure hibernate to use that data source for its connections
+      <listitem><para>Configure hibernate to use that data source for its connections</para>
-      <listitem>Use container managed transactions
+      <listitem><para>Use container managed transactions</para>
-      <listitem>Disable transactions in jBPM
+      <listitem><para>Disable transactions in jBPM</para>
@@ -312,8 +317,11 @@
-    <itemizedlist> 
-      <listitem><emphasis role="bold">isTransactionEnabled</emphasis>: by default, jBPM will 
+    <variablelist> 
+      <varlistentry><term>isTransactionEnabled</term>
+      <listitem><para>by default, jBPM will 
         begin a hibernate transaction when the session is fetched the first time and if the 
         jbpmContext is closed, the hibernate transaction will be ended.  The transaction is then
         committed or rolled back depending on wether jbpmContext.setRollbackOnly was called.  The 
@@ -324,19 +332,28 @@
         with the API, which ignores the isTransactionEnabled setting.  
         For more info about transactions, see
         <xref linkend="hibernatetransactions" />.
-      </listitem> 
-      <listitem><emphasis role="bold">sessionFactoryJndiName</emphasis>: by default, this
+      </para></listitem>
+     </varlistentry>
+      <varlistentry><term>sessionFactoryJndiName</term>
+      <listitem><para>by default, this
         is null, meaning that the session factory is not fetched from JNDI.  If set and 
         a session factory is needed to create a hibernate session, the session factory
         will be fetched from jndi using the provided JNDI name.
-      </listitem> 
-      <listitem><emphasis role="bold">dataSourceJndiName</emphasis>: by default, this is
+      </para></listitem>
+     </varlistentry>
+      <varlistentry><term>dataSourceJndiName</term>
+      <listitem><para>by default, this is
         null and creation of JDBC connections will be delegated to hibernate.  By specifying 
         a datasource, jBPM will fetch a JDBC connection from the datasource and provide that 
         to hibernate while opening a new session.  For user provided JDBC connections, 
         see <xref linkend="injectingresourcesprogrammatically" />.
-      </listitem> 
-    </itemizedlist>
+      </para></listitem>
+     </varlistentry>
+    </variablelist>
     <section id="thehibernatesessionfactory">
@@ -518,11 +535,11 @@
         use a different database:
-        <listitem>put the jdbc-driver library archive in the classpath
+        <listitem><para>put the jdbc-driver library archive in the classpath</para>
-        <listitem>update the hibernate configuration used by jBPM
+        <listitem><para>update the hibernate configuration used by jBPM</para>
-        <listitem>create the schema in the new database
+        <listitem><para>create the schema in the new database</para>
@@ -561,9 +578,9 @@
-          <listitem>Create, drop, update and clean (drop-create) the database schema</listitem>
-          <listitem>Generate SQL scripts for the above operations</listitem>
-          <listitem>List the mapped tables and query the existing tables in the database</listitem>
+          <listitem><para>Create, drop, update and clean (drop-create) the database schema</para></listitem>
+          <listitem><para>Generate SQL scripts for the above operations</para></listitem>
+          <listitem><para>List the mapped tables and query the existing tables in the database</para></listitem>
       <section id="jbpmschematask">
@@ -673,16 +690,16 @@
-      <listitem>copy the jBPM hibernate mapping file(s) you want to copy from the 
-        sources (<literal>src/jbpm-jpdl-sources.jar</literal>)
+      <listitem><para>copy the jBPM hibernate mapping file(s) you want to copy from the 
+        sources (<literal>src/jbpm-jpdl-sources.jar</literal>)</para>
-      <listitem>
+      <listitem><para>
         put the copy anywhere you want on the classpath, but make sure it is not 
-        the exact same location as they were before.
+        the exact same location as they were before.</para>
-      <listitem>
+      <listitem><para>
         update the references to the customized mapping files in the hibernate.cfg.xml 
-        configuration file
+        configuration file</para>
@@ -695,7 +712,7 @@
     <programlisting>&lt;cache usage="nonstrict-read-write"/&gt;</programlisting>
     <para>Since process definitions (should) never change, it is ok to keep them in the 
-      second level cache.  See also <xref linkend="changingdeployedprocessdefinitions" />.
+      second level cache.  
     <para>The second level cache is an important aspect of the JBoss jBPM implementation.
       If it weren't for this cache, JBoss jBPM could have a serious drawback in comparison 

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 <chapter id="pluggable">
   <title>Pluggable architecture</title>

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 <chapter id="scheduler">
   <para>This chapter describes how to work with timers in jBPM.</para>
@@ -26,10 +31,10 @@
     is executed, the following events occur in sequence : </para>
-      <listitem>an event is fired of type <literal>timer</literal></listitem>
-      <listitem>if an action is specified, the action is executed.</listitem>
-      <listitem>if a transition is specified, a signal will be sent to resume execution 
-      over the given transition.</listitem>
+      <listitem><para>an event is fired of type <literal>timer</literal></para></listitem>
+      <listitem><para>if an action is specified, the action is executed.</para></listitem>
+      <listitem><para>if a transition is specified, a signal will be sent to resume execution 
+      over the given transition.</para></listitem>
     <para>Every timer must have a unique name.  If no name is specified in the 
@@ -61,4 +66,4 @@
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 <chapter id="security">

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 <chapter id="simulation">
   <title>Business Process Simulation</title>

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 <chapter id="taskmanagement">
   <title>Task management</title>
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       continuation of the process.  Following is the list of values that can be 
       given to the signal-property of a task-node.</para>
-      <itemizedlist>
-        <listitem><emphasis role="bold">last</emphasis>: This is the default.  Proceeds execution when the last task instance is completed. When no tasks are created on entrance of this node, execution is continued.</listitem>
-        <listitem><emphasis role="bold">last-wait</emphasis>:                  Proceeds execution when the last task instance is completed. When no tasks are created on entrance of this node, execution waits in the task node till tasks are created.</listitem>
-        <listitem><emphasis role="bold">first</emphasis>:                      Proceeds execution when the first task instance is completed. When no tasks are created on entrance of this node, execution is continued.</listitem>
-        <listitem><emphasis role="bold">first-wait</emphasis>:                 Proceeds execution when the first task instance is completed. When no tasks are created on entrance of this node, execution waits in the task node till tasks are created.</listitem>
-        <listitem><emphasis role="bold">unsynchronized</emphasis>: Execution always continues, regardless wether tasks are created or still unfinished.</listitem>
-        <listitem><emphasis role="bold">never</emphasis>: Execution never continues, regardless wether tasks are created or still unfinished.</listitem>
-      </itemizedlist>
+      <variablelist>
+        <varlistentry>
+				<term>last</term>
+        <listitem><para>This is the default.  Proceeds execution when the last task instance is completed. When no tasks are created on entrance of this node, execution is continued.</para></listitem>
+     </varlistentry>
+        <varlistentry>
+				<term>last-wait</term>
+                      <listitem><para>Proceeds execution when the last task instance is completed. When no tasks are created on entrance of this node, execution waits in the task node till tasks are created.</para></listitem>
+     </varlistentry>
+        <varlistentry>
+				<term>first</term>
+        <listitem><para>Proceeds execution when the first task instance is completed. When no tasks are created on entrance of this node, execution is continued.</para></listitem>
+     </varlistentry>
+        <varlistentry>
+				<term>first-wait</term>
+        <listitem><para>Proceeds execution when         
+        the first task instance is completed. When no tasks are created on entrance of this node, execution waits in the task node till tasks are created.</para></listitem>
+     </varlistentry>
+        <varlistentry>
+				<term>unsynchronized</term>
+        <listitem><para>Execution always continues, regardless wether tasks are created or still unfinished.</para></listitem>
+     </varlistentry>
+        <varlistentry>
+				<term>never</term>
+        <listitem><para>Execution never continues, regardless wether tasks are created or still unfinished.</para></listitem>
+     </varlistentry>
+      </variablelist>
       <para>Task instance creation might be based upon a runtime calculation.  In that case, add an 
       <literal>ActionHandler</literal> on the <literal>node-enter</literal> event of the <literal>task-node</literal> and 
@@ -140,8 +182,8 @@
     definition.  At runtime, tasks result in the creation of task instances.  A task 
     instance corresponds to one entry in a person's task list.</para>
-    <para>With jBPM, <link linkend="thepersonaltasklist">push (personal task list)</link> and 
-    <link linkend="thegrouptasklist">pull (group task list)</link> model (see below) of 
+    <para>With jBPM, push (personal task list) (<xref linkend="thepersonaltasklist" />) and 
+    pull (group task list) (<xref linkend="thegrouptasklist" />) model (see below) of 
     task assignment can be applied in combination.  
     The process can calculate the responsible for a task and push it in his/her tasklist.
     Or alternatively, a task can be assigned to a pool of actors, in which case 
@@ -180,10 +222,10 @@
       <para>Each task in the process definition can be associated with an assignment
       handler implementation to perform the assignment at runtime.</para>
       <para>When more than one task in a process should be assigned to the same person 
-      or group of actors, consider the usage of a <link linkend="swimlanes">swimlane</link></para>
+      or group of actors, consider the usage of a swimlane (<xref linkend="swimlanes" />)</para>
       <para>To allow for the creation of reusable <literal>AssignmentHandler</literal>s,
       each usage of an <literal>AssignmentHandler</literal> can be configured in 
-      the <literal>processdefinition.xml</literal>.  See <xref linkend="delegation" /> 
+      the <literal>processdefinition.xml</literal>.  See the section on Delegation  
       for more information on how to add configuration to assignment handlers.</para>
@@ -211,11 +253,13 @@
       This is indicated with the property <literal>actorId</literal> on a <literal>TaskInstance</literal>.  So 
       to put a TaskInstance in someone's personal task list, you just use one of the following ways:
-        <listitem>Specify an expression in the attribute <literal>actor-id</literal> of the task element in the process</listitem>
-        <listitem>Use TaskInstance.setActorId(String) from anywhere in your code</listitem>
-        <listitem>Use assignable.setActorId(String) in an AssignmentHandler</listitem>
+        <listitem><para>Specify an expression in the attribute <literal>actor-id</literal> of the task element in the process</para></listitem>
+        <listitem><para>Use TaskInstance.setActorId(String) from anywhere in your code</para></listitem>
+        <listitem><para>Use assignable.setActorId(String) in an AssignmentHandler</para></listitem>
       <para>To fetch the personal task list for a given user, use <literal>TaskMgmtSession.findTaskInstances(String actorId)</literal>.
@@ -232,9 +276,9 @@
       groupIds in the pooledActorIds.  So specify the pooled actors, use one of the following:
-        <listitem>Specify an expression in the attribute <literal>pooled-actor-ids</literal> of the task element in the process</listitem>
-        <listitem>Use TaskInstance.setPooledActorIds(String[]) from anywhere in your code</listitem>
-        <listitem>Use assignable.setPooledActorIds(String[]) in an AssignmentHandler</listitem>
+        <listitem><para>Specify an expression in the attribute <literal>pooled-actor-ids</literal> of the task element in the process</para></listitem>
+        <listitem><para>Use TaskInstance.setPooledActorIds(String[]) from anywhere in your code</para></listitem>
+        <listitem><para>Use assignable.setPooledActorIds(String[]) in an AssignmentHandler</para></listitem>
       <para>To fetch the group task list for a given user, proceed as follows: Make a collection that includes the user's actorId 
       and all the ids of groups that the user belongs to. With <literal>TaskMgmtSession.findPooledTaskInstances(String actorId)</literal> or
@@ -281,13 +325,13 @@
-      <listitem>a) create copies of variables in the task instances so that intermediate updates 
+      <listitem><para>a) create copies of variables in the task instances so that intermediate updates 
         to the task instance variables don't affect the process variables untill the process 
-        is finished and the copies are submitted back into the process variables.
+        is finished and the copies are submitted back into the process variables.</para>
-      <listitem>b) the task instance variables do not relate one-on-one with the process variables.
+      <listitem><para>b) the task instance variables do not relate one-on-one with the process variables.
         E.g. suppose the process has variables 'sales in januari' 'sales in februari' and 'sales in march'.
-        Then the form for the task instance might need to show the average sales in the 3 months.
+        Then the form for the task instance might need to show the average sales in the 3 months.</para>
     <para>Tasks are intended to collect input from users.  But there are many user interfaces
@@ -370,9 +414,9 @@
     after the first task instance is created for a given swimlane, the actor 
     should be remembered in the process for all subsequent tasks that are in 
     the same swimlane.  A swimlane therefore has one 
-    <link linkend="assignment"><literal>assignment</literal></link>
+    <literal>assignment</literal> (<xref linkend="assignment" />)
     and all tasks that reference a swimlane should not specify an 
-    <link linkend="assignment"><literal>assignment</literal></link>. 
+    <literal>assignment</literal>(<xref linkend="assignment" />). 
     <para>When the first task in a given swimlane is created, the 
@@ -397,7 +441,7 @@
     <para>A task can be specified in a start-state.  That task be associated with a 
     swimlane.  When a new task instance is created for such a task, the current 
     authenticated actor will be captured with 
-    <link linkend="authentication">Authentication.getAuthenticatedActorId()</link>
+    Authentication.getAuthenticatedActorId() (<xref linkend="authentication" />)
     and that actor will be stored in the swimlane of the start task.
     <para>For example:</para>

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+<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN" "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.5/docbookx.dtd" [
 <chapter id="tdd">
   <title>TDD for workflow</title>

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+<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN" "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.5/docbookx.dtd" [
 <chapter id="tutorial">
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   <para>The best way to learn is to create a project and experiment 
   by creating variations on the examples given.</para>
-  <para>To get started first, <link linkend="downloadingandinstallingjbpm">
-  download and install</link> jBPM.</para>
+  <para>To get started first, 
+  download and install jBPM. <xref linkend="downloadingandinstallingjbpm" /></para>
   <para>jBPM includes a graphical designer tool for authoring the 
   XML that is shown in the examples.  You can find download instructions 
-  for the graphical designer in <xref linkend="downloadablesoverview" />.
+  for the graphical designer in the Downloadables Overview section..
   You don't need the graphical designer tool to complete this tutorial.

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+# Config::Simple 4.59
+# Tue May 11 16:03:11 2010
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+type: Book
+brand: JBoss

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