[jbpm-dev] jBPM5 Request for Comments - feedback

Sebastian Schneider schneider at dvz.fh-aachen.de
Sat Apr 17 20:56:28 EDT 2010

Hello Diego,

Am 17.04.2010 21:14, schrieb Diego López León:
> Hi Sebastian,
> I think it's already possible to use Drools Flow as "stateless"
> process engine, but the API is not oriented on this concept so it may
> be a little tricky if this is your first approach to the world of
> Drools.
> In conlusion, your needs are already fit with the current state of the project.

It might be that you misunderstood me a bit. I was not formulating 
requirements. Actually I was just giving an example why it definetely 
makes sense to keep Drools and jBPM in a way the can be used separately. 
I was also trying to dinstinguish use cases for Drools and jBPM.

I agreed that there is the need to offer an integrated solution but 
modularity and a small footprint are top priorities for me.

Best regards

Sebastian Schneider
e-mail: Sebastian.Schneider at alumni.fh-aachen.de

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