[jbpm-users] What are the correct maven artifact and group Ids?

Simon Gibbs simon.gibbs at cantorva.com
Mon Nov 24 19:26:57 EST 2008

Hi there,

I'm new to the list so apologies in advance for stumbling in, but I'm
seriously confused and could do with a little help here. I'm doing a
proof on concept involving Seam and jBPM 3.2, and we're at least a few
months from anything  happening so don't mind an answer that is subject
to change. I should disclose that I am very new to half of the Seam
technology stack and Maven as well.

What are the correct maven artifact and group Ids for my scenario? In
particular, for the 3.2 heritage jbpm-identity.jar?

I have had the following details in the pom.xml:


But I've been unable to find an equivalent set of details for the
identity jar which is essential since I need to use

I noticed in SVN the pom is referencing seam 2.0. I'm using Seam 2.1 for
the POC and was concerned about compatibility in the event of a change?
If I'm going to get into a pickle with Maven and conflicting
dependencies I'd appreciate a heads up :-)   Is anyone using 3.3 and
seam 2.1 successfully already or will I be the first to try it?

from a nearby pom:


Thanks in advance.

Simon Gibbs

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