[jbpm-users] [JBoss jBPM] - forking tasks

gnagy do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Sep 11 10:46:35 EDT 2008


We have a workflow with a fork, and need to track tasks in each branch. A simplified use case follows:

    /    \
Task11   Task21
    |     |
Task12    |
    \    /

We have a seam ui that uses PooledTaskInstanceList. We use swim lanes too, however the fork is within a single swim lane, so i guess it should not matter.

So we have a page with the pooled task instances. Initially Task0 should be displayed. When the user completes it, 2 tasks should appear: Task11, Task21. Then, if the user completes e.g. Task11, then the following should appear: Task 12, Task21. Etc. The join should continue only if both branches are done.

However, currently only 1 task is shown from either branch, seemingly randomly, e.g. after Task0 the user has only the option to complete Task11, then Task12, then Task21, the end.

I read thought the docs and this forum, and the thing people seem to get hung upon is to perform things concurrently. But we don't really need that, just that the forked tasks appear multiple times in the pooled instance list (or some other list??), so the user can choose what to do next. I tried putting async=true on the fork to no avail.

Any suggestions?


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