[jbpm-users] [JBoss jBPM] - Swimlane assignment - h e l p m e !

freejohn22 do-not-reply at jboss.com
Fri Sep 12 05:21:29 EDT 2008

Hi all jbom users,
I'm developing a trouble ticketing interface with jBpm.
I have 2 swimlanes: the manager and the developer. I would need to assign the actorId of each task depending on the value of a Context variable.

I have saved in the context variable "manager" and "developer" the person who are in charge to supervision and develop the ticket.

  <swimlane name="manager" > 
  |       <assignment actor-id="#{manager}">
  |   </swimlane>
  |   <swimlane name="developer" /> 
  |       <assignment actor-id="#{developer}">
  |   </swimlane>
  | 	<task-node name="AssignTicket">
  | 	    <task name="TicketAssignment" " swimlane="developer">
  | 	    </task>
  |          .........
  | 	</task-node>
  | 	<task-node name="TicketResolved">
  | 	    <task name="Ticketsolved" swimlane="manager">
  | 	    </task>
  |          .........
  | 	</task-node>

Unfortunately I get "null" when I recall taskInstance.getActorId()
so assignment doesn't work this way......
any help ?

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