[jbpm-users] [JBoss jBPM] - deadlock cycle

ppc do-not-reply at jboss.com
Sun Sep 21 01:56:16 EDT 2008

I'm running jbpm 3.1.4 on jboss 4.2.0.GA the persistence is provided by Derby, a Deadlock arise when I configure more than one MDB to process the messages, 
the deadlock is on this code  findTaskInstancesByProcessInstance

  | @Stateless
  | public class ProcessManagerSession .....{
  | ...
  |  public Collection<TaskInstance> getActiveTasksByProcessInstance2(Long processId) {
  |         List<TaskInstance> taskList = null;
  |          JbpmContext jbpmContext = JbpmConfiguration.getInstance().createJbpmContext();
  |         try {
  |             ProcessInstance processInstance = jbpmContext.getProcessInstance(processId);
  |             taskList = jbpmContext.getTaskMgmtSession().findTaskInstancesByProcessInstance(processInstance);
  |         } catch (Exception e) {
  |             logger.error(e);
  |             throw new ProcessException("Could not get active tasks  ");
  |         } finally {
  |             jbpmContext.close();
  |         }
  | ...
  | ...

Can somebody could give me some pointer to solve this issue ?

anonymous wrote : 
  | 07:39:51,003 ERROR (WorkManager(2)-18:)  [JDBCExceptionReporter] A lock could not be obtained due to a deadlock, cycle of locks and waiters is:
  | Lock : ROW, JBPM_TASKINSTANCE, (20,6)
  |   Waiting XID : {3770, S} , SA, select taskinstan0_.ID_ as ID1_180_, taskinstan0_.NAME_ as NAME3_180_, taskinstan0_.DESCRIPTION_ as DESCRIPT4_180_, taskinstan0_.ACTORID_ as ACTORID5_180_, taskinstan0_.CREATE_ as CREATE6_180_, taskinstan0_.START_ as START7_180_, taskinstan0_.END_ as END8_180_, taskinstan0_.DUEDATE_ as DUEDATE9_180_, taskinstan0_.PRIORITY_ as PRIORITY10_180_, taskinstan0_.ISCANCELLED_ as ISCANCE11_180_, taskinstan0_.ISSUSPENDED_ as ISSUSPE12_180_, taskinstan0_.ISOPEN_ as ISOPEN13_180_, taskinstan0_.ISSIGNALLING_ as ISSIGNA14_180_, taskinstan0_.ISBLOCKING_ as ISBLOCKING15_180_, taskinstan0_.TASK_ as TASK16_180_, taskinstan0_.TOKEN_ as TOKEN17_180_, taskinstan0_.SWIMLANINSTANCE_ as SWIMLAN18_180_, taskinstan0_.TASKMGMTINSTANCE_ as TASKMGM19_180_ from JBPM_TASKINSTANCE taskinstan0_, JBPM_TOKEN token1_ where taskinstan0_.TOKEN_=token1_.ID_ and token1_.PROCESSINSTANCE_=? and taskinstan0_.ISSUSPENDED_<>1 and taskinstan0_.ISOPEN_=1
  |   Granted XID : {3769, X} 
  | Lock : ROW, JBPM_TASKINSTANCE, (21,6)
  |   Waiting XID : {3769, S} , SA, select taskinstan0_.ID_ as ID1_180_, taskinstan0_.NAME_ as NAME3_180_, taskinstan0_.DESCRIPTION_ as DESCRIPT4_180_, taskinstan0_.ACTORID_ as ACTORID5_180_, taskinstan0_.CREATE_ as CREATE6_180_, taskinstan0_.START_ as START7_180_, taskinstan0_.END_ as END8_180_, taskinstan0_.DUEDATE_ as DUEDATE9_180_, taskinstan0_.PRIORITY_ as PRIORITY10_180_, taskinstan0_.ISCANCELLED_ as ISCANCE11_180_, taskinstan0_.ISSUSPENDED_ as ISSUSPE12_180_, taskinstan0_.ISOPEN_ as ISOPEN13_180_, taskinstan0_.ISSIGNALLING_ as ISSIGNA14_180_, taskinstan0_.ISBLOCKING_ as ISBLOCKING15_180_, taskinstan0_.TASK_ as TASK16_180_, taskinstan0_.TOKEN_ as TOKEN17_180_, taskinstan0_.SWIMLANINSTANCE_ as SWIMLAN18_180_, taskinstan0_.TASKMGMTINSTANCE_ as TASKMGM19_180_ from JBPM_TASKINSTANCE taskinstan0_, JBPM_TOKEN token1_ where taskinstan0_.TOKEN_=token1_.ID_ and token1_.PROCESSINSTANCE_=? and taskinstan0_.ISSUSPENDED_<>1 and taskinstan0_.ISOPEN_=1
  |   Granted XID : {3770, X} 
  | . The selected victim is XID : 3770.
  | 07:39:51,005 ERROR (WorkManager(2)-18:)  [TaskMgmtSession] org.hibernate.exception.LockAcquisitionException: could not execute query

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