[jbpm-users] [jBPM Users] - Re: decision node based on data not in task variables

sravyts do-not-reply at jboss.com
Mon Aug 24 06:06:13 EDT 2009

Is it possible to use a spring bean as the handler in a decision node? 

I can't seem to get this working (although I registered spring as a language for the expression language in jbpm.cfg.xml:

<script-manager default-expression-language="juel"
  |       default-script-language="juel"
  |       read-contexts="execution, environment, process-engine, spring"
  |       write-context="">
  |       <script-language name="juel"
  |         factory="org.jbpm.pvm.internal.script.JuelScriptEngineFactory" />
  |     </script-manager>

I get the following error:

  | Caused by: javax.el.PropertyNotFoundException: Cannot find property decisionConditionHandler
  | 	at de.odysseus.el.util.SimpleResolver.get(SimpleResolver.java:106)
  | 	at de.odysseus.el.util.SimpleResolver.getValue(SimpleResolver.java:126)
  | 	at de.odysseus.el.tree.impl.ast.AstIdentifier.eval(AstIdentifier.java:69)
  | 	at de.odysseus.el.tree.impl.ast.AstEval.eval(AstEval.java:42)
  | 	at de.odysseus.el.tree.impl.ast.AstNode.getValue(AstNode.java:29)
  | 	at de.odysseus.el.TreeValueExpression.getValue(TreeValueExpression.java:120)
  | 	at org.jbpm.pvm.internal.script.JuelScriptEngine.evalExpr(JuelScriptEngine.java:176)

this is my process :

  | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  | <process name="DecisionConditions" xmlns="http://jbpm.org/4.0/jpdl">
  |   <start g="16,102,48,48">
  |     <transition to="evaluate document" />
  |   </start>
  |   <decision name="evaluate document" g="96,102,48,48">
  |     <handler expr="#{decisionConditionHandler}">
  |       <conditions>
  |         <condition>
  |           <transition>bad</transition>
  |           <expression>#{huur.commercieel == false}</expression>
  |         </condition>
  |         <condition>
  |           <transition>good</transition>
  |           <expression>#{huur.commercieel == true}</expression>
  |         </condition>
  |       </conditions>
  |    </handler>
  |     <transition name="good" to="submit document" g="120,60:-37,22" />
  |     <transition name="bad" to="try again" g=":-19,-22" />
  |   </decision>
  |   <state name="submit document" g="175,35,122,52"/>
  |   <state name="try again" g="176,100,122,52"/>
  | </process>

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