[jbpm-users] [jBPM Users] - Re: How signal as a state to a task?

cmjhingeniero do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Dec 2 08:19:53 EST 2009

Sorry, I think it made me understand. I do not speak English

I have the notify method, and I want to enforce the transition "send email", when the response variable equals "N"

As I pass the signal to the next task???........... when he comes to the response variable "N", run the following task

  | public void notify(EventListenerExecution execution) throws Exception {
  | 		String response = execution.getVariable("response")+"";
  | 		if (response.equals(null)) {
  | 			response = new String();
  | 			execution.setVariable("response", response);
  | 		}
  | 		ReposicionDao reposicion = new ReposicionDao();
  | 		response = reposicion.verificarCarguePorReposicion(documento, caf);
  | 		execution.setVariable("response", response);
  | 		if(execution.getVariable("response").toString().equals("N")){
  |                           ..................
  |                           //SHOULD I PUT THAT CODE
  | 		}
  | 	}

Thanks, excuse for my English

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