[jbpm-users] [jBPM Users] - Re: JBPM 4.2 Sub-Processs Not able to access Variables

emailkuppai do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Dec 10 09:44:06 EST 2009

main process

  | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  | <process name="wf_ingest_book" version="1" xmlns="http://jbpm.org/4.2/jpdl">
  |    <start g="264,19,48,48" name="startIngestBook">
  |       <transition g="-73,-18" name="trDecideType" to="decideType"/>
  |    </start>
  |    <decision g="271,125,48,48" name="decideType">
  |      <handler class="org.sae.services.jbpm4.DecideTypeHandler" />
  |       <transition g="-95,-18" name="trMetaOnlyIngest" to="metaonly-ingest"/>
  |       <transition g="499,235:-48,-18" name="trFailed" to="failed"/>
  |    </decision>
  |     <sub-process name="metaonly-ingest" sub-process-key="wf_metaonly_ingestion"
  |         g="130,367,132,53">
  |       <transition name="trSuccess" to="succeeded" g="-62,-18"/>
  |       <transition name="trFailed" to="failed" g="-62,-18"/>
  |    </sub-process>  
  |    <end g="122,443,48,48" name="succeeded"/>
  |    <end-error g="387,459,48,48" name="failed"/>
  | </process>


  | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  | <process name="wf_metaonly_ingestion" version="1" xmlns="http://jbpm.org/4.2/jpdl">
  | 	<start g="333,26,48,48" name="startMetaOnlyIngestion">
  | 		<transition g="-113,-22" name="trMetaOnlyIngest" to="stateMetaOnlyIngest"/>
  | 	</start>
  | 	<custom g="275,201,163,52" 
  |             name="stateMetaOnlyIngest" 
  |             class="org.sae.services.jbpm4.IngestBookActivity">
  |      	<transition g="234,231:-42,-18" name="trSuccess" to="succeeded"/>
  | 		<transition g="494,231:-48,-18" name="trFailure" to="failed"/>
  | 	</custom>
  | 	<end g="209,356,48,48" name="succeeded"/>
  | 	<end-error g="471,367,48,48" name="failed"/>
  | </process>


  | public void testDoDirty() {
  | 		ProcesssInformationService pisrv = JBPMServices
  | 				.getProcesssInformationService();
  | 		System.out.println("TEST");
  | 		// ProcessInstance processInstance =
  | 		// pisrv.startProcess("wf_ingest_book");
  | 		String pid = "wf_ingest_book";
  | 		String cid = System.currentTimeMillis() + "";
  | 		Map<String,Object>  variables = new HashMap<String,Object>();
  | 		variables.put("product-type","book");
  | 		variables.put("ingest-type","meta-only");
  | 		variables.put("prod-cd", "AE-21");
  | 		variables.put("c-id", "");//Some CID Number 
  | 		ProcessInstance processInstance = pisrv.startProcess(pid,variables, cid);

i can access all these variables in my main process - any event,lisenter,java module hooks.

but these same variables are not able to my sub-process custom module.

i tried to get parent.getProcessInstance.getVariable also.. parent is comming as null..

  | ublic class IngestBookActivity implements ExternalActivityBehaviour  {
  | 	public void signal(ActivityExecution execution, String signalName,
  | 			Map<String, ?> parameters) throws Exception {
  | 		System.out.println( " Parameters "+parameters);
  | 		String prodCd = (String)execution.getVariable("prod-cd");
  | 		String prodType = (String)execution.getVariable("product-type");
  | /** both prod-cd, prod-type comming as null */
  | 		IngestionControl pojo = new IngestionControl();
  | 		pojo.setProdCd(prodCd);
  | 		pojo.setProdType(prodType);
  | 		String executionPath = "trSuccess";
  | 		try {
  | 			doIngestion(pojo);
  | 			System.out.println(" IngestBook Activity --- Book Ingested Successfully ");
  | 		} catch (Exception e) {
  | 			e.printStackTrace();
  | 			executionPath = "trFailure";
  | 		}
  | 		execution.take( executionPath);
  | 	}

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