[jbpm-users] [jBPM Users] - Re: How does jBPM loggin work?

kukeltje do-not-reply at jboss.com
Fri Dec 11 10:36:18 EST 2009

According to http://docs.jboss.com/jbpm/v4/devguide/html_single/#d0e2609 

anonymous wrote : PVM can use JDK logging (java.util.logging) or log4j. When the first message is logged, PVM logging will make the selection with following procedure:
  |    1. If a logging.properties resource is found on the classpath (using the context classloader), then JDK logging will be used and that file will be used to initialize the JDK logging.
  |    2. If log4j is found on the classpath, then log4j will be used. The check for log4j will be done by checking availability of class org.apache.log4j.LogManager with the context classloader.
  |    3. If none of the above, JDK logging will be used.

The check is *not* done based on log4j.properties but on the presence of  org.apache.log4j.LogManager. Keep in mind that this should be in the context classloader path and that in this same path, *no* logging.properties should be present.

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