[jbpm-users] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: HTML support in mail templates

ggamietea do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Feb 4 09:04:15 EST 2009

I'm using version 3.2.5 and this is the configuration that I'm using...

  | <mail-template name="task-creation">
  |   <subject>New Task Created of process: #{processDefinition.name</subject>
  |   <text>
  |      [html]
  |         [head]
  |            [title]JBPM Notification[/title]
  |         [/head]
  |         [body]
  |            html text here
  |         [/body]
  |      [/html]
  |    </text>
  | </mail-template>
once you have this config file (called jbpm.mail.templates.xml) you must create a MailHandler class where you have to do the overwriting of the '[]' for '<>'.

Here http://blogs.dfwikilabs.org/pigui/files/2008/02/mailjava.txt you have an example. Then, in the getText() method is where you will have to do the replacement.

Don't forget to set the content-type to 'text/html'

I hope this helps...

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