[jbpm-users] [JBoss jBPM] - jbpm bpel prallal processing not working!!!help

LakshmiPrasad do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Feb 17 00:09:36 EST 2009

Hi ,

 i am using jbpm bpel, i am using flow which will ensure the parallal processing. but for me parallal processing is not happening it is doing sequentially... below is my code.. please help regarding this how can i make it work 2 processes parallally. Thanx in advance for u r help.
my code is 
<bpws:flow name="Flow" parallel="yes">
  |                 <bpws:sequence name="Sequence2">
  |                     <bpws:while name="While1">
  |                         <bpws:condition><![CDATA[$while1var<140]]></bpws:condition>
  |                         <bpws:sequence name="Sequence4"> 
  |                            <bpws:invoke inputVariable="DebugPLRequest"
  |                                 name="Invoke2" operation="printMsg"
  |                                 outputVariable="DebugPLResponse"
  |                                 partnerLink="DebugPL" portType="ns1:convertPortType"/>
  |                              <bpws:assign name="Assign4" validate="no">
  |                                 <bpws:copy>
  |                                     <bpws:from><![CDATA[$while1var+1]]></bpws:from>
  |                                     <bpws:to><![CDATA[$while1var]]></bpws:to>
  |                                 </bpws:copy>
  |                             </bpws:assign>
  |                         </bpws:sequence>
  |                     </bpws:while>
  |                 </bpws:sequence> 
  |               <bpws:sequence name="Sequence3">
  |                     <bpws:while name="While2">
  |                         <bpws:condition><![CDATA[$while2var<110]]></bpws:condition>
  |                         <bpws:sequence name="Sequence5">
  |                             <bpws:assign name="Assign5" validate="no">
  |                                 <bpws:copy>
  |                                     <bpws:from><![CDATA[$while2var+1]]></bpws:from>
  |                                     <bpws:to><![CDATA[$while2var]]></bpws:to>
  |                                 </bpws:copy>
  |                                 <bpws:copy>
  |                                     <bpws:from><![CDATA['2nd while']]></bpws:from>
  |                                     <bpws:to><![CDATA[$DebugPLArgRequest.parameters/ns1:param0]]></bpws:to>
  |                                 </bpws:copy>
  |                             </bpws:assign>
  |                             <bpws:invoke
  |                                 inputVariable="DebugPLArgRequest"
  |                                 name="Invoke3" operation="printArgMsg"
  |                                 outputVariable="DebugPLArgResponse"
  |                                 partnerLink="DebugPL" portType="ns1:convertPortType"/>
  |                          </bpws:sequence>
  |                     </bpws:while>
  |                 </bpws:sequence>
  |             </bpws:flow>

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