[jbpm-users] [JBoss jBPM] - JBPM Assignment Handler 3.3.1.GA Problems

bradsdavis do-not-reply at jboss.com
Fri Feb 20 13:03:31 EST 2009

JBPM 3.3.1 does not seem to pass execution to the configured assignment handler delegate.  Can someone please validate my configuration below?

In the database, I see that the column ASSIGNMENTDELEGATION_ does have an entry, but in my logs, I get:

  | 2009-02-20 12:55:35,703 DEBUG [org.jbpm.graph.def.GraphElement] event 'task-create' on 'Task(do-something)' for 'Token(/)'
  | 2009-02-20 12:55:35,984 DEBUG [org.jbpm.identity.assignment.ExpressionAssignmentHandler] resolving first term 'user(jie)'
  | 2009-02-20 12:55:35,984 WARN  [org.hibernate.hql.QuerySplitter] no persistent classes found for query class: select u from org.jbpm.identity.User as u where u.name = :userName

Here is the task assignment handler configuration:

  | 	<task-node name="task-node1">
  | 		<task name="do-something">
  | 			<assignment class="org.jbpm.identity.ldap.LdapAssignmentHandler" expression="user(jie)"></assignment>
  | 		</task>
  | 		<transition to="end-state1"></transition>
  | 	</task-node>

Additionally, I have a log statement in my LdapAssignmentHandler, which never is displayed in my logs, indicating it is not called.

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