[jbpm-users] [JBoss jBPM] - TaskInstance order by in taskList.getTaskInstances() ?

sal.nic do-not-reply at jboss.com
Sat Feb 28 13:00:23 EST 2009

Hi to all you,

I'm newbye in jbpm use. I have a doubt, I tried searching the forums but have not found the answer:

I get the user's tasklist, and, using "taskList.getTaskInstances() ", I retrieve all istance task the user has.

In my example user has many tasks, but the order in which they are seems to be casual. Can I have the possibility to retrieve that list ordered by ID ? this should assure I have the list ordered from oldest to latest.
I use jbpm 3.2.3.

Tnx a lot

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