[jbpm-users] [jBPM Users] - Re: jBPM 4.2 GWT Console Login

c.kloy do-not-reply at jboss.com
Fri Nov 13 05:07:30 EST 2009

I have installed jBPM in an fresh JBoss 5.1 on a DB2 9.5. JBPM starts without any errors and can connect to the database.
Now I get the following messages in the Log, when I try to login with correct credentials:

  | 11:06:32,666 DEBUG [CoyoteAdapter]  Requested cookie session id is BFA55D72FE5E895472BEB915A1E4CB76
  | 11:06:32,666 DEBUG [AuthenticatorBase] Security checking request GET /gwt-console-server/rs/identity/secure/sid
  | 11:06:32,666 DEBUG [RealmBase]   Checking constraint 'SecurityConstraint[Resteasy]' against GET /rs/identity/secure/sid --> true
  | 11:06:32,666 DEBUG [RealmBase]   Checking constraint 'SecurityConstraint[Resteasy]' against GET /rs/identity/secure/sid --> true
  | 11:06:32,666 DEBUG [AuthenticatorBase]  Calling hasUserDataPermission()
  | 11:06:32,666 DEBUG [RealmBase]   User data constraint has no restrictions
  | 11:06:32,666 DEBUG [AuthenticatorBase]  Calling authenticate()
  | 11:06:32,666 DEBUG [FormAuthenticator] Save request in session 'BFA55D72FE5E895472BEB915A1E4CB76'
  | 11:06:32,666 TRACE [StandardWrapper]   Returning non-STM instance
  | 11:06:32,666 DEBUG [[default]]  Disabling the response for futher output
  | 11:06:32,666 DEBUG [AuthenticatorBase]  Failed authenticate() test
  | 11:06:32,666 DEBUG [CoyoteAdapter]  Requested cookie session id is BFA55D72FE5E895472BEB915A1E4CB76
  | 11:06:32,666 DEBUG [AuthenticatorBase] Security checking request POST /gwt-console-server/rs/identity/secure/j_security_check
  | 11:06:32,666 DEBUG [FormAuthenticator] Authenticating username 'mike'
  | 11:06:32,713 TRACE [StandardWrapper]   Returning non-STM instance
  | 11:06:32,713 DEBUG [[default]]  Disabling the response for futher output
  | 11:06:32,713 DEBUG [AuthenticatorBase]  Failed authenticate() test ??/gwt-console-server/rs/identity/secure/j_security_check

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