[jbpm-users] [jBPM Users] - Re: How to get history variables and processInstanceId from

npirard do-not-reply at jboss.com
Fri Oct 2 05:00:11 EDT 2009

[jBPM 4]


I think I need access to history variables too. Here is my need :
_ I create a process instance that does some stuff, and in particular creates a business object I will need to retrieve  (an entity stored somewhere)
_ after the workflow is over, I would like to retrieve what it has created. So my idea was that my workflow would set a variable with the id of my business object, and after the workflow is finished I will search the history and get my variable.

it is easy when my workflow is not ended :

String businessId = (String) executionService.getVariable(processId, "businessId");

but when it is ended there is nothing in the API like I could do:
String businessId = (String) historyService.getVariable(processId, "businessId");

and I have not found any other way

so my question is : does the jBPM team intend to do something like that, so that the variable of history processes can be retrieved via the API ?

or maybe I overlooked something that already exists?

I searched the JIRA, but did not fully understand what was intended, especially with this one :
the description : "expose the history that is in the database through the api" sounds nice, but then it seems to specialize on tasks, plus it seems a bit dead

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