[jbpm-users] [jBPM Users] - Re: Awesome job with jBPM 4.1

newcomer1 do-not-reply at jboss.com
Sat Oct 3 14:50:36 EDT 2009

"unsavory" wrote : I just wanted to say what a great job you guys did with the jBPM 4.1 release.  Not only was it released on time, but the support promised for Tomcat was also delivered.  Thank you!
  | As of 3:30AM this morning we now have 2 production application servers running jBPM 4.1 in Tomcat with Spring + JPA + Hibernate + JTA + JOTM.
  | I struggled for a long time trying to get this configuration to work with jBPM 4 and I never quite got it working right.  Most of the issues were related to the Job Executor which now starts like it is supposed to in this environment and actually executes jobs correctly (ie: can find the spring transaction manager).  But it all worked as soon as I plugged jBPM 4.1 in.
  | There are some JTA transaction issues with JOTM I'm struggling with in regards to rollbacks on exceptions, but I do not believe it is related to jBPM.
  | Thanks again for a great product and a great release!

This sounds great! We are running jbpm 4 and had to roll our own transaction interceptor (and/or JtaTransaction implementation) to get the jobexecutor to play along with spring and jta.

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