[jbpm-users] [jBPM Users] - Re: jBPM 4: how to transition via Java handler/listener?

sebastian.s do-not-reply at jboss.com
Sun Oct 18 06:33:56 EDT 2009

Since I haven't been working with jbpm 3.x it's hard for me to get what exactly you are trying to achieve. I tried your unit test and I got the message that the execution was not found.

I can be wrong but doesn't this create a new process engine?

  | ExecutionService executionService =
  |   new Configuration().buildProcessEngine().getExecutionService();

I am really not sure how to retrieve a reference on the process eninge already created in the context of an EventListener but I tried using the following:

  | ExecutionService executionService =
  |   Configuration.getProcessEngine().getExecutionService();

The error that the execution was not found did not occur anymore but there was an assertion failure:

  | 12:24:14,734 SEV | [BaseJbpmTestCase] ASSERTION FAILURE: expected:<TransitionedTo[ByListener]> but was:<TransitionedTo[Manually]>
  | junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<TransitionedTo[ByListener]> but was:<TransitionedTo[Manually]>

Hope this helps at least bit. If this does not I'd be eager to know if it's possible and how.

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