[jbpm-users] [jBPM Users] - Re: how to programatically list actitities from one activity

kadrim do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Oct 20 16:05:37 EDT 2009

Interesting.... Thanks rams.rapo for your time...

But this means I have to use some classes of internal pvm, for instance :
org.jbpm.pvm.internal.cmd.GetOutcomes.java , and GetOutComes needs an instance of Environment in its execute method...
public Set execute(Environment environment) {
I've been looking at the code of org.jbpm.pvm.internal.cmd and it seems simple to use. Besides, I've been reading the developer's guide and this enlightment came to me:
JbpmConfiguration jbpmcfg = new JbpmConfiguration();
ProcessEngine proceng = jbpmcfg.buildProcessEngine();
EnvironmentImpl envimpl =  jbpmcfg.openEnvironment();

GetOutcomes goc = new GetOutcomes( )
Set outcome = goc.execute( envimpl );

Is this what you've tried to tell me?

Also, I've got some questions about this:

1) Is the order of statements correct? I mean :

JbpmConfiguration jbpmcfg = new JbpmConfiguration();
ProcessEngine proceng = jbpmcfg.buildProcessEngine();
EnvironmentImpl envimpl =  jbpmcfg.openEnvironment();

2) I'm supposing I can do the same with commands that make reads to the database like: GetStartActivityNamesCmd.java, is this right?

3) Will there be any problems in this way because I'm not using the User API directly? With problems I mean: exceptions, runtime exceptions, logic errors made by jbpm. It's obvious that this will change in future.

Any comments would be appreciated.

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