[jbpm-users] [jBPM Users] - jbpm 4.1 - How to stop these Debug Messages in jboss

makarandk502 do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Oct 29 09:21:41 EDT 2009


Jbpm 4.1 , Jboss 5.0.0 GA

When I see Jboss server log (server.log) from Jboss/server/default/log, I can see lot of following JobExecutor DEBUG messages. It seems that some process is running continuosly till we shutdown the jboss.
Server log size is becoming too much after some time.

Can anybody tell me how to stop printing DEBUG messages related to Jobexecutor ?

Your help is highly appreciated

  | 18:46:33,942 DEBUG [DispatcherThread] DispatcherThread will wait for max 5000ms on org.jbpm.pvm.internal.jobexecutor.JobExecutor at 7798cd
  | 18:46:38,939 DEBUG [DispatcherThread] DispatcherThread woke up
  | 18:46:38,949 DEBUG [AcquireJobsCmd] start querying first acquirable job...
  | 18:46:38,949 DEBUG [AcquireJobsCmd] locking jobs []
  | 18:46:38,959 DEBUG [GetNextDueDateCmd] getting next due date...
  | 18:46:38,959 DEBUG [GetNextDueDateCmd] next due date is null

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