[jbpm-users] how to add a self-defined property for[usertask]node in eclipse-plugin editor.

jiacc@gillion.com.cn jiacc at gillion.com.cn
Wed Aug 17 11:27:46 EDT 2011

default regsiter code like this,
ksession.getWorkItemManager().registerWorkItemHandler("Human Task", new WSHumanTaskHandler());

if i define new node like this 
<task id="_6" tns:taskName="my Task" >

 which param i should use to instead of  "Human Task" ?use my Task?

发件人: Burkhard Vogel 
发送时间: 2011-08-17  23:15:01 
收件人: jiacc at gillion.com.cn 
抄送: jbpm-users at lists.jboss.org 
主题: Re: [jbpm-users] how to add a self-defined property for[usertask]node in eclipse-plugin editor. 
yes, you'd have to extend the WSHumanTaskHandler and use it as a "common" somain specific node - you'd have to copy the definition for the WSHumanTaskHandler as well into your domain specific xml.You could hack the default human task node implementation - but I'd recommend agaist it...


On 17/08/2011 10:02, jiacc at gillion.com.cn wrote: 

i want extends existing [user task ] node , i need the existing function in [user task ] node  , and add self-defined property in eclipse-plugin designer.

how to do .

can i use [task] node , and then register the workitemhandler as the same as WSHumanTaskHandler?

发件人: Burkhard Vogel 
发送时间: 2011-08-17  22:53:11 
收件人: jiacc at gillion.com.cn 
抄送: jbpm-users at lists.jboss.org 
主题: Re: [jbpm-users] how to add a self-defined property for [usertask]node in eclipse-plugin editor. 
you can't change the xml definition at will - user tasks should be named "task" and you have to add the workitemhandler to the workitemmanager:
ksession.getWorkItemManager().registerWorkItemHandler("UserTask", new UserTaskHandler(ksession));


On 17/08/2011 09:48, jiacc at gillion.com.cn wrote: 
i have a new problem ,
These follwing two codes have the same meaning?
<task id="_7" name="User Task" tns:taskName="User Task" > 
<userTask id="_7" name="User Task2" >

发件人: jiacc at gillion.com.cn 
发送时间: 2011-08-17  22:43:15 
收件人: Burkhard Vogel; jbpm-users at lists.jboss.org 
主题: Re: Re: [jbpm-users] how to add a self-defined property for [user task]node in eclipse-plugin editor. 
    thank u very much for your help.
If as you approach , then generate the my.bpmn include 
"<task id="_7" name="User Task" tns:taskName="User Task" >....",
but I need to generate this code: 
"<usertask id="_7" name="User Task" ...."
How to deal with this problem?

发件人: Burkhard Vogel 
发送时间: 2011-08-17  22:27:56 
收件人: jbpm-users at lists.jboss.org 
主题: Re: [jbpm-users] how to add a self-defined property for [user task]node in eclipse-plugin editor. 
define it as this in your user node definition xml:
import org.drools.process.core.datatype.impl.type.StringDataType;
    "name" : "UserTask",
    "parameters" : [
      "ActorId" : new StringDataType(),
      "ActorId2" : new StringDataType()
    "displayName" : "User Task",
    "icon" : "icons/usertask.gif"

On 17/08/2011 04:35, jiacc at gillion.com.cn wrote: 
hi , 

I want to add a self-defined property for [user task] node in eclipse-plugin editor , such as actorId , actorId2.

 JBPM5.1 .

thank u .
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Saludos cordiales,

Burkhard Vogel
Lead Strategic Development

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Burkhard Vogel
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Saludos cordiales,

Burkhard Vogel
Lead Strategic Development

Centre of Sales & Support • Quito, Ecuador 
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Phone:   +593 2 2237393 ext 7300 
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