[jbpm-users] Identification Of the User who started the Process in JBPM

gs.naidu at tcs.com gs.naidu at tcs.com
Mon Aug 13 05:59:59 EDT 2012


Actually i have created bpmn process.In that i have a script task and a 
user task and i have uploaded the same to Guvnor and i builded the package 
successfully.I need to assign the human task with the person who logged in 
to jbpm console and started the process.

Example: Suppose if john logged in to jbpm console and starts the process 
then the actorId of the HumanTask process is john.

I dont know the person who logged in and starts the process.So i need to 
do it dynamically.So i need to know who started the process in jbpm 
console from Processes ->Process Overview  -> select -> start 

Please Let me know is there any way to do it.

Please do the Needful.

G. Suresh Naidu
Tata Consultancy Services
Cell:- 8019844574
Mailto: gs.naidu at tcs.com
Website: http://www.tcs.com
Experience certainty.   IT Services
                        Business Solutions

Mauricio Salatino <salaboy at gmail.com>
gs.naidu at tcs.com
jbpm-users at lists.jboss.org
08/13/2012 03:09 PM
Re: [jbpm-users] Identification Of the User who started the Process in 

You are getting a null where?
You should start your process and initialize the initiator variable, are 
you doing that?

ksession.startProcess(<id>, <params>); where params is a Map<String, 
Object> and you have a key called "initiator" filled with the user who is 
calling startProcess.


On Mon, Aug 13, 2012 at 8:05 AM, <gs.naidu at tcs.com> wrote:
Thanks Mauricio for replying, 

Actually i have written the following  code in script task and i want to 
assign the name value to an actor in userTask.Iam getting null value with 
the following code. 

String lstrUSerId=(String)kcontext.getVariable("initiator"); 

Please do the Needful. 

G. Suresh Naidu
Tata Consultancy Services
Cell:- 8019844574
Mailto: gs.naidu at tcs.com
Website: http://www.tcs.com
Experience certainty.        IT Services
                       Business Solutions

Mauricio Salatino <salaboy at gmail.com> 
gs.naidu at tcs.com 
jbpm-users at lists.jboss.org 
08/10/2012 10:49 PM 
Re: [jbpm-users] Identification Of the User who started the Process in 

that's easy to do, the one calling startProcess() can insert a process 
variable called: initiator and then use that to assign the task. 


On Fri, Aug 10, 2012 at 2:34 PM, <gs.naidu at tcs.com> wrote: 
Dear Sir, 

                  Actually Iam developing Workflow for my project.In that 
workflow i need to assign the task to the person who started the 
Process.Please let me if there is  a way to do it. 

G. Suresh Naidu
Tata Consultancy Services
Cell:- 8019844574
Mailto: gs.naidu at tcs.com
Website: http://www.tcs.com
Experience certainty.        IT Services
                       Business Solutions
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