[jbpm-users] have a trouble when deploy jbpm5 on websphere6.1

jiacc at gillion.com.cn jiacc at gillion.com.cn
Mon Feb 20 03:32:02 EST 2012

it's ok to deploy my jbpm5 project  on tomcat.but have a trouble when deploy jbpm5 on websphere6.1.

exception :
Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: [Ljava.lang.Object; incompatible with [Ljava.util.Map$Entry;
    at org.drools.marshalling.impl.OutputMarshaller.writePropagationContexts(OutputMarshaller.java:716)
to sandeep kumar  : u had the same trouble , did u resolve it? help me.
how to handl it?
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