[jdf-dev] [new organization] BOMs repository split

Emmanuel Bernard emmanuel at hibernate.org
Fri Jul 5 11:40:23 EDT 2013

On Fri 2013-07-05 11:47, Rafael Benevides wrote:
> As part of the plan, the BOMs will be splited according to its product: 
> EAP or WFK
> Today there are some BOMs that is distributed in both products. My 
> question is what we should do about them? Move it to EAP or move it to WFK?
> The worst if keeping it in both repos.
> These are the boms that have release on eap 6.1 and wfk 2.2
> - with-deltaspike
> - with-errai
> - with-hibernate

With Hibernate ORM being at the center of EAP's persistence
implementation, ORM should be in a BOM shared by anyone seeding off EAP.

Hibernate Search being used by WFK, Data Services and JBoss Data Grid
it's quite more complicated but again some "common libs" used by a
common set of versions of EAP, WFK and SOA.
But I'm sure, at least initially that we will need to have some
exceptions esp until the search support for JDG matures enough.

It's somehow tied ot the layered architecture and the idea of a core
shared by compatible platforms.

That's a general view but we should discuss on email (or if we have to
on a call) the exact requirements and needs of these BOMs to come to the
proper solution.


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