[jdf-dev] [TicketMonster][HSearch] Feedback on tutorial style

Vineet Reynolds Pereira vpereira at redhat.com
Wed Jul 10 15:13:07 EDT 2013

Hi Emmanuel,

   Here's some initial feedback about what might eventually become a pressing issue. The guide mentions EAP and WildFly as the containers for creating the HSearch 4.3.0.CR1 JBoss module. I dont see a problem with mentioning EAP there since I remember using 4.3.0.Final on EAP 6.1. It however the use on WildFly that would probably need a correction either in TicketMonster or (worse) in the Hibernate search feature, because we are still targetting AS 7.1.1. for the community bits.

   I'll review the rest of the tutorial in detail, but overall the writing style looks fine.


----- Original Message -----
> From: "Emmanuel Bernard" <emmanuel at hibernate.org>
> To: "JDF Dev" <jdf-dev at lists.jboss.org>
> Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2013 11:02:20 PM
> Subject: [jdf-dev] [TicketMonster][HSearch] Feedback on tutorial style
> Hello gents,
> I think I'm half way through the Hibernate search tutorial. I'd like you
> feedback on the style, structure and tone I have used.
> https://github.com/emmanuelbernard/ticket-monster/blob/d8c5a9bc7196b2b58fc8e446ad0ebe2faf605f8c/tutorial/HibernateSearch.asciidoc
> Let me know what you think.
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