[jdf-dev] [BRMS quickstart] doubt on BRMS 5.3.1

Rafael Benevides benevides at redhat.com
Wed Jul 24 16:16:44 EDT 2013

I'm working on this quickstart 
https://github.com/eschabell/brms-customer-evaluation-demo and I'm 
facing the following:

- This quickstart is target to BRMS 5.3.1
- BRMS 5.3.1 doesn't have its Maven artifacts online at: 
- This quickstart uses a manual script to install those artifacts 
locally ( 
- Quickstarts should use Maven Central or an online  Maven repo, right ?
- This quickstart doesn't use BOMs
- We have a -with-drools BOM that is target to Drools community project

- Is there another online repo for BRMS 5.3.1 in another place than 
http://maven.repository.redhat.com/techpreview/ ?
- If there isn't an online repo for BRMS 5.3.1, Should we Downgrade this 
quickstart to BRMS 5.3.0 (delivered on WFK 2.3)?
         - If Downgrade, what about JBPM releases (we don't have 
org.jbpm on http://maven.repository.redhat.com/techpreview/) ?
- Another possible path: Should we target this quickstart to Community 
or this is not desired?

     - It seems that there isn't any BRMS Product Bom at the moment. So 
it will not be using BOMs with we target to Product
     - If target to Community, we can add everything we need in 
-with-drools BOM

I appreciate any comments on this

Rafael Benevides | Senior Software Engineer
Red Hat Brazil

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