[jdf-users] Any JDF Updates equivalents to counter.war? wanted to use a Quickstart app to test cluster session failover

StevenBoscarine stevenboscarine at gmail.com
Thu Jul 12 14:56:13 EDT 2012

Hello All,
I wanted to do an exercise to test failover on our new EAP6 cluster.  
Any recommendations?

The one I'm familiar with is using 
https://community.jboss.org/wiki/ReplicatedCounter and confirming the 
counter doesn't go down when you kill a container.

If there isn't a great QS for session replication, does this dovetail 
with any of the JDF Quickstarts?  If so, I'd love to see it use a 
@Stateful session bean, Maven, and Servlet 3.0.  I could update this war 
rather quickly if you saw value in having a QS specifically for testing 
Session replication.


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